Stone Steps

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It became more dire when they not only lost sight of Fenrir, but a scream of pain was heard from inside the office ...


"Move out!" The red haired military agent hissed. Both her and Pepper moved so they could see straight into the room as Loretta checked the witch. "Clear."

There in that room was an unconscious and floating Hagrid. Behind the stunned half giant, who was slowly spinning in place like a rotisserie chicken, were the sounds of papers being looked through. When Loretta joined them they moved into the room and found a pissed off Fenrir going through and sniffing everything.

"Uh ... You're dripping." Alex, the red haired agent, commented while pointing to the bloody gash on Fenrir's head, which was dripping on the floor. "Pepper, Loretta, watch our backs. I'll get my med kit out."

Fenrir growled, sniffing at and then grabbing a letter, "The scents of the two witches, who attempted to kill Sam, are on this. She's getting the reports. Issac was right. This bitch killed-ow!" He winced as some ointment was applied. Despite the pain and feeling a little woozy thanks to the head wound he kept looking at the papers.

Loretta smirked as she and the pilot moved around Hagrid to guard the door, "So she's a key player." She said before cocking her eyebrow. "I knew you could hear the globe, but how did Issac recognize her? Did you let Issac see it? ... and why did you come alone when you knew this was serious?"

The werewolf froze, getting the feeling that he was in trouble, "There was very little time. I wasn't even sure if the floo would work, but since it did ..."

"You just ran off and straight into the one guarding the floo at Hogwarts, right?" Loretta said and the werewolf, who was smiling sheepishly ...or he was wincing as a bandage was slapped on a cut right at that moment. It was hard to say, but Loretta seemingly ignored it and turned to the redhead. "When you're done we should grab her- ... Her jaw and tongue can't move, right?" She asked urgently when she remembered the pills.

Since Alex was busy Pepper shook his head, "The gag won't let her."

Fenrir growled, "Let's be sure of that." He said eager to meet the witch who murdered his mate.

"I'll join you." Everyone turned to see a bored looking Sam with a purring cat perched on his shoulders. "The other guy tried to jump me. I'm keeping the cat as payment for the sore hand."

In light of this news the group decided to get moving. After all, they didn't want to risk getting caught by any more enemies. Despite not finishing treating Fenrir's wounds, they all carefully left the room. Fenrir repaired the door and they moved to the closeted witch. Alex stayed close and kept her medical kit ready in case any wounds reopened.

Loretta hummed as they all crept into the hall while pushing an unconscious Hagrid with them like a big balloon, "Cat, you say?" She said as she gave the fluffy cat's chin a scratch. "Albus said something about the caretaker having a cat, right?"

Pepper flipped open his notes as he nodded, "Yes. The caretaker is Mr. Filch and his cat is actually a kneazle named Mrs. Norris." A few steps down the hall was an unconscious man with a very bloody and broken nose. "This guy matches the description ... Kind of. Without the busted nose he would. We should be careful in case there's anyone else here."

"I don't smell anyone beyond three people." Fenrir said, but everyone knew his nose couldn't be that accurate. Most likely the werewolf was just eager to meet the murderous witch.

The redhead military agent, "We should go to the floo you went through, Fenrir. Getting these three to a place so they're questioned is top priority. You guys go through and explain everything. Pepper and I will take a look around before-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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