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The lights of the auditorium darkened as Fynn continued to stuff his books into his bag. He looked up to the tech booth where Mara sat, smirking. She'd stayed a little while longer than scheduled to go over some notes before opening night. Even though Fynn was an actor, he stayed to accompany her. And by accompanying her, he bothered her while he finished up homework.
"Are you ready to get out of here?" Mara asked, grabbing her bag off of the floor and stepping out of the booth.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Fynn answered, yawning as he began to walk toward the exit, jacket on, and bag slung over shoulders.
Mara followed his lead and the two exited the school into the fresh air of the night.
As the two walked, they discussed their school day and how excited they were to finally go home.
Fynn reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, unlocking his car.
"See ya." He said, walking toward his vehicle.
"Bye," Mara responded, walking to her car too.
As she walked, she thought she heard something but assumed she'd hallucinated the noise. Until it got closer. She turned around at the unusual growling and saw a man with a distorted face and discolored skin walking behind her.
"Fynn!?" She called. But fear seemed to tighten her voice.
The man became faster, nearly running at her as she darted to her car, struggling to retrieve her keys from her bag.
Breathing heavily, she slowed down. Not long after slowing her pace, she could feel a hand touch her shoulder and the touch was followed by a loud bang in her ear.
Mara turned around, mortified at the sight of a dead zombie lying on the ground and Fynn not far behind holding a gun, staring at it like he'd never seen a weapon in his life.
"Where did you find that?" She asked.
He finally came out of his stupor, letting his arm fall to his side, still gripping the gun. "It must have gotten a police officer. I found one dead and I... I took his gun. I can't believe I just did that."

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