chapter 1. How they met.....

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Just to make a picture in your head, for this chapter the following outfit below is what you're wearing. (For the most part, as I'm just too lazy to make a new one for each timeline, so it'll just change by chapter and performances)

 (For the most part, as I'm just too lazy to make a new one for each timeline, so it'll just change by chapter and performances)

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    "Okay, so Ahyeon. You're in charge of the guest workshops, make sure to make them feel welcomed. Hyejin, you'll be collaborating with Hyeokjae, aka. Howl from JustJerk. Hera, I don't see any classes under your name, but you can help Ahyeon. And-" Yuri started, before she got cut off by Hyejin. "wait,wait,wait, what did you just say?" Hyejin asked, a stunned look on her face. "I told Hera she could just help Ahyeon since-" Hyejin raised her hand to shush Yuri. "No, before that." Hyejin said. 'You have a collaboration class with Howl?" Yuri said, confused on why Hyejin was so shocked.

"The Howl from JustJerk?" Hyejin asked, jumping up and down with joy, causing Ahyeon and Amber to spit out laughing. "Yes, you can stop crushing over him now." Hera said, crossing her arms. "Oh please, I would never." Hyejin said, trying to maintain her composure once again. "Anyways," the meeting trailed off as Yuri finished assigning jobs for the next 4 days as she was going to another part of Seoul for a choreography and M/V she had to direct.

*time skip*

    After checking into the hotel, Yuri drove her way to the studio they would be practicing in. She was choreographing EXO Kai's 'Vanilla', as well as directing the M/V and dance performance.

Yuri arrived, and was greeted by Kai and the rest of the dancers warming up. Kai greeted with a slight bow of his head, instead of fully bowing like the backup dancers, since they were fairly close friends. Once everyone was stretched, Yuri began setting up everyone in their formation for the intro part. "Okay, so make sure this leg is parallel with the person in front of you. Yuri said, demonstrating with the dancer in the very back of the formation. "Tatter land on your heel after the spin, it'll help you jump into position smoothly in the next part." Yuri called out as the backup dancers and Kai were practicing.

    "Okay, why don't everyone take a quick 15-minute break to cool off." Yuri suggested, turning the speaker off. "Hey, Yuri?" Kai said, approaching the girl who was drinking up some water to cool herself off from dancing. "Yeah?" Yuri said, setting the bottle down beside her backpack. "I was wondering if we could practice the duet part, since I'm having trouble with the timing." Kai said, waiting for Yuri's response. "Yes, of course. A little practice wouldn't hurt." Yuri said, turning the music on and standing behind Kai, transitioning as they danced in sync, some parts required touching eachother, but nothing unusual.

Yuri stopped in the middle, noticing what Kai was having trouble with. "Okay, so when she turns around, your finger should at the same time so that the dragging of the hand over her face won't be off beat." Yuri corrected, Kai nodding in response. The two didn't notice, but out of the corner of her eye, a backup dancer was watching them, while others went to go use the restroom or scroll on their phones. As Kai finished correcting his mistakes, he thanked Yuri. "Hey, it's not even over yet!" Yuri teasingly said, before heading out towards the bathroom which was just down the hall of the practice room.

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