Y/N vs revy: reunition

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Revy walks around to find herself in a cold place luckily she brought her coat

She takes her berettas out to guard herself suddenly she sees a big lab 


Revy turned around to hear the voice shout out to her then she saw a bunch of guards

"away from the lab asshole..."

Revy puts her hands up mockingly to be scared

"woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah-"

Revy then grabs her guns and shoots the guards and uses one of their ID'S to open the door

More guards surrounded revy


Revy muttered in annoyance

Then she heard rugged, growly breathing in a metal shaped like a square

Revy smirked deviously

Revy pretends to be scared

"sooo uhh please don't shoot me"

revy backs away  as the guards get closer

revy backs far enough to open the box by stepping on a button

revy sees y/n come out of the box baring and gritting his teeth, growling with his ears bent back 




y/n shouts as he jumps into the air and bites the first guard on the neck and mauls him

Dr. Lao looks horrifed and speaks into the speaker saying 

"y/n is loose!"

All the scientists run away 

"wow what a party"

revy chuckles and shoots everyone

Y/n runs on all fours towards the guards

y/n lunges on the first one and bites his gut and mauls him apart

then the second one he digs his claws into him causing a big hole to be into him

simply with the third one he mauls him apart on the arm and scratches him on the face with enough force to make him fall to the ground and die

Dr. Lao looks scared but at the same time somewhat excited...

Y/n mauls the fourth one on the leg 


the fifth one says 

the fifth one tries to punch y/n

y/n blocks it and snaps his neck

Dr. Lao freezes as he hears the growls of y/n and the screams of his guards

"sorry fuckers i gotta blow up this place"

revy runs and detonates a bomb buying enough time for her to run and survive but gets flown back and gets her head knocked onto a tree

Revy sees y/n walk towards her

"Don't just stand there you mut give me a hand up"

Y/n growls 

"uhh nope im actually okay thank you very mu-"

y/n grabs revy and throws her

revy shoots her berettas at him

y/n dodges and drags her around causing her head to hit trees

revy kicks y/n im mid-drag and gives him multiple kicks and punches 

y/n bites her neck and drags her down

revy and y/n both punch each other knocking each other down

Revy and Scorn: Team killersWhere stories live. Discover now