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The cover of the book you're going to see often, sorry.

This is a B'Elanna x Tom-What if story, you'll have to read the description cause I'm not copying it.

Tom and B'Elanna have a daughter, called Emely named in honour of Tom's mother, Emely was born when her parents were twenty so she's eight years old.

Emely's godfather is Harry Kim.

B'Elanna grew up across the road from Harry, she was raised by her human father (John Torres), Vulcan stepmother (T'Veen Torres), B'Elanna has two half sisters (T'Vanarea and T'Rose Torres).

B'Elanna only saw her Klingon Mother (Miral) on holidays, B'Elanna has Klingon stepfather (A'trom) three half siblings (K'Ehleyr, Amar and L'Naan)

Because of her unstable childhood (and father leaving her for being Klingon before accepting her just the way she is, but not before his current wife drilled some sense into him) B'Elanna was worried Tom would leave her, he never did and never will.

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