Three (part one)

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"Okay, well thanks for checking."

I watched as Doc hung up the phone, his hand moving down his face in exhaustion. That was the fourth person he had called and there was still no sign of Nikki. "Haven't seen him." He muttered as he started to pace. "I don't know who else to call or even know where to look. He could be halfway out of California right now for all I know."

The party quickly died out after Nikki and I's explosive reunion. Nobody was really in the mood to party anymore after having to dodge glass bottles and whatever else Nikki could get his hands on.

"I doubt he went very far –" I started. "He's high off his ass, Doc. He probably went back to his house to get even more loaded." Doc shook his head. "You knew this was going to happen – You and I both knew he wouldn't react well to seeing me."

"Well, I thought he would have a change of heart." He rushed. "The bastard hasn't seen you in a few years – he was fucking infatuated with you – he fucking loved you."

"She left his ass standing on the stoop outside of his house, Doc." Vince interjected. "Would you be happy to see the woman that left you the way she left him? He was a fucking wreck because of Bryant – You think this time is going to be any different?"

I turned to look at the blonde, "Everyone forgets the fact that he'd been cheating for months." Our eyes locked. "But yet I'm the asshole because I stood up for myself and left. I guess I should've been like the whores you get with that'll stay no matter how many women you're fucking."

He puckered his lips, earning a laugh from the bimbo attached to his side.

Vince and I never had the type of friendship that I had with Mick and Tommy. We tolerated each other and that was it. I was there the day he showed up to Nikki's apartment. His girlfriend led the way into the living room – the arrogance flowing from her like a cheap perfume. She was your typical rich girl from the Valley, who was basically just with Vince to piss off her parents. She bought that son of a bitch anything he wanted – spending thousands of her parent's money on the man. I guess the coke they spent so much time snorting damaged not only her brain cells but also her judgement.

I rolled my eyes in disgust before removing myself from the couch. Doc had retreated to the backyard, a portable phone pressed against his ear as he walked along the pools edge. I decided that this was my que to leave – taking matters into my own hands. I knew of some places that Nikki frequented when we were together. If he wasn't at his house, then I would try those places. Unlucky for Doc, he was notorious for leaving his car keys in the ignition – easy access for anyone that wanted to take it. I threw my purse into the passenger seat before climbing in and starting the engine. I tore out of Vince's driveway – speeding onto the freeway as the warm, night air whipped through my hair.

"You think this is okay – You look like you're ten seconds away from the fucking grim reaper coming for your ass!" He rolled his eyes as he paced the kitchen – his fists balled up at his sides. "Doc called me and ask-"

"You fucking called her?" His eyes wild as he stared Doc down. "You fucking called her!"

"I had no other choice, Nikki." Doc was terrified. "You're getting worse every day and you won't listen to anyone at this point. I had no other person to turn too - She's your wife, Nikki."

"Ex-wife." Nikki and I spoke at the same time.

Doc let out a sigh, "Wife, ex-wife – It's all the fucking same. You two were married – you were madly in love with each other. Yeah, it ended badly but I know for a fucking fact that Bryant still cares enough about you to not want to see you like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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