Generous Soul

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The airy melody of a poorly made flute rang through the air, catching the loan coal seller off guard. Piquing his interest, he strayed off the beaten path on his way home, listening with alertness as he sought out the source of the sound, treading lightly to dampen his footsteps as he weaved through the forest. He longed for the chirping birds and croaking frogs to silence their songs, constantly diverting his attention whenever he believed he had discovered the correct path. Moreover, the setting sun, casting its radiant light directly into his eyes, offered no assistance and only impeded his vision.

Shielding his eyes with his hand, he tiptoed forward, eventually discovering the trail leading to the off-key tune of the flute. Alongside the stream, a figure emerged, bathed in sunlight, making it difficult for the coal seller to discern them from man or woman. Settling behind a tree, he held his breath and examined the person, squinting his eyes and quickly telling them to be a man, their broad angular shoulders and loose-fitting kimono giving them away. His burgundy, lengthy ponytail draping down his back almost disguised his gender.

Hearing the gentle crunch of a leaf, the red-haired man lowered the instrument from his mouth and swiftly glanced over his shoulder, scanning his surroundings for trouble. He caught sight of a petite man hiding behind a tree, about a hundred feet back. He had the urge to call out and playfully remark that there was no need to hide, as he could easily see through both the tree and the man standing there. But he decided against it. He thought it might come across as a rude introduction, potentially putting the other person off. Instead, he turned his attention back to the stream, a slight grin forming on his lips. Elation emerged within him at the prospect of making a new friend.

He anticipated the man's approach, considering how far he'd already strayed off the beaten path.

The coal seller ducked behind the safety of the tree just in time, catching only a glimpse of the other man's face. He thought he saw red eyes looking his way, a strange deep red birthmark of sorts at the rim of his face, but it must have been a trick of the light. The man looked strangely similar to himself, the undertone of their features only slightly different. His deep-burgundy mane, warm cherry eyes, flushed cheeks from sitting in the sunlight...

The man burned into his mind.

But he couldn't watch from afar like a suspicious spectator, only hoping to speak to a wondrous vessel of a person. No, he needed to introduce himself, compliment the man's beauty, ask him what he was doing in the forest on his own...and possibly invite him to tea later, if their conversation ever made it that far. He had to try.

Drawing a courageous breath, the coal seller jumped up, slapping his cheeks twice to pull himself from his head.

He peered from behind the tree once more, his eyes attentive and breath shallow. Pressing his lips together, he took a step forward. It was now or never.

He couldn't quite pinpoint what it was about the man that sparked his anxious curiosity. Perhaps it was the man's cautious demeanor, being all alone in the heart of the woods. Or maybe it was the stark contrast in their sizes, the man appearing twice his own. Nevertheless, he made an effort to not let it unnerve him. The man exuded a sense of gentle strength, his instrument's melody gracefully floating through the air once again.

No, he had nothing to fear. Yet his chest tightened and stomach flipped as he approached the man by the stream.

Finally coming within feet of him, the coal seller swallowed through a lump in his throat, clearing it gently to get the other's attention.

The scratchy tune halted, the flute drifting away from the man's mouth again.

"Um- H- hello." the man choked out.

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