Percy slayed! (our algebra teacher)

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In the present, it's been 2 years and 2 schools since I met Percy. You see, we are not bad kids. The thing is, we always seem to get into misunderstandings and end up getting expelled. We were the only ones who really understood and trusted each other through all of that, and our mothers never thought we were a bad influence on each other. In the contrary, we made each other better. Percy made me stop paying attention to the bullies. Meanwhile, I helped Percy get out of many problems through my words. We became so close that I considered him my brother. I would do anything for him, and I know he would do the same for me.

At this time, we were on a school trip to the museum with Grover, a friend we made in Yancy. I really liked Grover, he was very funny and kind and thanks to him we learned to play mythomagic and a lot of Greek myths. Thanks to him, it's not just me and Percy anymore. But, as always, no matter how hard we tried to mind our business, there were always people who picked on us.

Grover, Percy and me were looking at the statues of Perseus, son of Zeus (like more than half of the statues there), while Professor Brunner told our class to pick a statue and write how it made us feel. Grover and I separated from Percy to look for a statue that caught our attention.

I stumbled with one of the statues of Zeus, the most famous all-powerful royal scumbag. I mean, how else could I describe the guy? He cheated on Hera literally countless of times, putting a target on the back his lovers and his kids for the goddess of marriage to strike when she found out they existed. All while ruling the Gods and the sky with extreme arrogance. But before I could get to write something on the clipboard, I heard Percy's voice.

- Mom? - He shouted, and everyone laughed.

- Yes, sweety, mommy's here. - That annoying red-headed demon spoke, Nancy Bobofit. That girl had it out for me and my friends since the beginning of the year, and she hadn't knock it out till this day.

- Percy Jackson, control yourself - said Miss Dodds. That old lady really loves taking Percy and me to the principal's office.

- He can't help it, Miss Dodds. Percy is special. - The blonde boy's shoulders fell as he sighed.

-Enough! - Professor Brunner ordered, of all the teachers, he was the only one who cared about his students, especially about Percy and me. He always said that something big was waiting for us.

I took advantage of the fact that Professor Brunner was busy talking to Percy, and I approached Nancy. Grover told me a bunch of times already to stay away from her to not get into any more trouble, but it wasn't like I was going to punch her, at least not in front of everyone.

- Oh my God, I finally found you! Now, tell me, little goblin, where's that pot of golden coins, huh? - I whispered to her. She looked at me with a harsh stare.

- Listen, you freak, get lost before I push you from the stairs.- She rolled her eyes on annoyance and walked away. I smiled, I hated injustices, so now at least the next time she picks on me, she'll be justified. Why be the bigger person if I can be the bigger pain in the ass?

After Percy was done talking with our professor, I walked to his side.

- Can you believe Nancy? - He asked.

- No, I can't believe she beat me on the joke - I smirked to him.

- Oh, shut up - He smiled back.

Then, Mr Brunner shouted again.

- Children, it's lunch time! Let's go outside now.

After a few minutes, me and the boys were sitting by the fountain about to eat our sandwiches.

- There are all sorts of schools of thought about what drives that kind of bullying. Childhood trauma, feelings of inadequacy... - Grover stated.

He was always so kind, but I didn't understand why he was trying to justify that bitch. She does have anger in her, but she wasn't justified of constantly picking on good people. She could be mean to me all she wanted, but Grover and Percy had done nothing to her.

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