[Concept AU] Destruct and Decay.

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This is a concept AU of II. If ya want it, take it cus idc about it. You don't need to uhh credit me but I'd be happy if you did cred me as inspiration. Anyways. Let's begin~


The wind howls through the dead lands

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The wind howls through the dead lands. What once a city, now ruins of what's left.

What happened? What has caused this land to be so desolate?
So empty and dead?

Before.. all of this.
Everything was so normal... So...


Why did he do this?


Before it happened..

"And that's all!" Lightbulb exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips proudly after putting the last few boxes. She and Paintbrush have moved into the city, the hotel was a little cramped.

Lightbulb went to the glass tank where Baxter is kept. He was just chilling under a warm light. "Hey Baxter! Like our new place?" She asked the crab with a smile. Baxter blinked twice, and Lightbulb took it as a yes.

She giggled happily, shifting her attention to the TV in the living room. She hoped onto the couch and opened the TV. The TV turned on and was on a news channel but Lightbulb immediately changed to another channel.

Her attention caught on a cartoon of sorts and she was interested. "Oooh! A.. robot wanting freedom?.. sounds cool." She placed the remote on the table and sat comfortably on the couch. Now fully focused on the cartoon.

After a while, the cartoon was interrupted by an Ad break. "W-wha! Booo!!" Lightbulb wasn't happy her cartoon watching was interrupted. She crossed her arms, annoyed but had nothing to do but watch the Ad. It seems to be from Meeple Inc.

The Ad was not only at the TV but also outside, on the big screens, similar to Divides Square (Times Square). Anyways, the Ad doenst seem normal.

"Hello everyone from Objectia! I, Steve Cobs, CEO of Meeple Inc. And I have made a wonderful invention.. and I need all of you.. to play close attention.."
He ended with a laugh.. one that sounded maniacal. The screen turned into those swirly things to hypnotize people.

Lightbulb was skeptical and took the remote to close the TV but the longer she looked, she froze up and dropped the remote. Looking attentively to the TV. Her mind screaming at her to stop staring into it but she couldn't move an inch of her body.

Suddenly the TV shut off, Lightbulb blinking herself to reality. "..huh.. what?" She asked herself. Looking around the TV and sees Baxter near the TV's cable and it's cut. Baxter must've cut the cable with his claw.

Lightbulb sighed in relieved and picked Baxter up. She gave him a small hug. "..thanks, you little goober!! I might've been some brainwashed zombie there! I should be mad at you for leaving your tank but this is an exception!" She praised the crab and petting him.

"..wonder if.. w-wait!! Paintbrush!!" She hastily ran out of the living room and into the apartment's hallways. The people who looked into the screens simply froze and stare mindlessly into the screens. Lightbulb have a small problem with it. If she wants to go outside to find Paintbrush, who was going out to find furniture, then she needs to avoid the screens. But how?

"Dangit! Baxter! Got any ideas in your crustacean head!?" She held Baxter Infront of her so she would have eye contact. The crab's eyes looked at a door at their right. Without thinking, Lightbulb went in the room. It seems to be a supply closet. She placed Baxter down and searched through the room, for anything.

She searched and searched and found some box with missing glasses. "..this might work.." she muttered, taking two 3D glasses and a small cracked monocle she somehow found for Baxter. She placed the cracked monocle on Baxter and covered the other with a bottle cap. She wore the 3D glasses and sighed, slightly stressed about.. everything.

She picked Baxter up and went to the entrance. Which a lot of people were in the hypnosis state.. she looked at the screen hesitantly and the glasses worked! Though looking through the lobby, some objects were wearing glasses but not coloured like Lightbulb's or cracked like Baxter's. So it's need to be clear to see to work.. she smiled triumphantly and went outside. Now looking for Paintbrush, unfortunately the nearest is a few miles away.. and only Paintbrush drives in the relationship.

She looked around and after seeing it.. she smiled ear to ear.. she saw an unattended bicycle. She could get a motorbike or something but she doesn't to run over someone.. again.. she took the bike and placed Baxter in the front basket. She peddled to the furniture store Paintbrush was at. Holding the other 3D glasses firmly to not lose it.

But it wasn't that easy..

An explosion blew up near the block she was in. "What the heck?—" Lightbulb looked at the direction but didn't focus what's Infront of her so she fell from the bicycle. Frantically wearing the 3D glasses again and checking on Baxter. "..sorry bud.." she muttered and holding Baxter in her arms. She looked back at the direction, her eyes went wide and her mouth slightly open.

She saw fire and those hypnosis objects didn't move— or react!? Just letting the fire engulfed them.. she was horrified by the sight, gagging by seeing their burnt and mindless body. Her attention shifted to the one caused the fire and explosion.. a Meeple phone with an X.. and it spotted her.

It readies to shoot at her and Lightbulb frantically ran, Baxter in her arms. Sweat pouring down like bullets. Another explosion heard behind her, she didn't care enough to look back, just run. She shoved through everyone else in her way. Scared out of her mind to think twice.

She ran and ran, more explosions behind. She quickly turned into a corner into an alleyway and hid behind dumpsters. She closed her mouth to stop her heavy breathing. The phone ran past the alley.

She can't think straight.. her eyes stings.. she didn't realise she was crying from that.. her body shaking.. her breathing heavy and shaky.

"...what Is Cobs planning?..."


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