Stranger In Black

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The year is 1977, Hogwarts great hall was buzzing with chatter. Tensions were high and not even the upcoming christmas break could keep all whispers of the rising war at bay.

Some students were no longer at Hogwarts, their parents having pulled them out for their own safety or they were away grieving their own loss. Many wary stares and hateful comments were made towards the slytherin table, specifically those students that carried the darkest names.

Small laughs of joy escaped many students taking the attention away from the students in green as small balls of light and confetti exploded falling over the students. Of course everyone credited a group of four gryffindors known for their mischief.

Just as students began to converse, a loud snapping sound caused many to flinch and reach for their wands. In the middle of the room appeared a tall lanky dark figure. A man with long black hair that seemed to pool to the floor, his face looked slightly sunken yet healthy, dressed in all black robes, eyes sharp and dark.

The professors all stood aiming their wands. Students huddled together, fearing this may be an attack from the dark lord.

The man turned to them all, eyes deadpan. "Your magic holds no power against me, afterall my darling was the one that created it"

With a swish of his hand all of their wands dropped to the ground.

"I demand you reveal your identity. We will not allow any harm come to any student of Hogwarts" Dumbledore spoke loudly.

"Deimos. You'd do well to address me by that name." His voice brought chills down their spines. "Sit. I mean you no harm. However I am a god, and demand respect"

Reluctantly the students sat back down, all of them more wary of their surroundings.
"Before I begin. I believe some people are needed."

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