locker rooms

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Sorry again for not posting! I really tried with this one, enjoy!

New character (major)
Fluff (major)
Risk of getting caught (major)

Hanna - third person

Hanna had recently joined her schools swim and dive team. The team met every 4 out of 5 days of the week and swam until 5 pm after school. She was eager to try diving, as she used to be an amazing gymnast but had to quit because it simply wasn't good for her mental health. Hanna loved gymnastics, she loved pushing herself, and her body to do things most couldn't. She did gymnastics for 6 years, so once she quit, she missed it more than she ever could imagine. Diving felt like an opportunity. It felt like she could take back her love of flipping and pushing herself past her limits to be graceful and strong, but without destroying herself this time.

"Bring this sheet back at the beginning of the first practice,"

Hanna sat silently in the crowded room full of people who wanted to join the team as well, while Coach Jameson passed out permission slips with too much information on them.

"If anyone has any questions, ask me now."

A girl hannas age, with bronze skin and long frizzy hair that made a sort of circle, bordering her face, sits in the back of the class and raises her hand.

"Yes, you, in the back,"

"When are our meets?"

She spoke softly, with an undertone of nervousness creeping up her throat.
Hanna leans towards her friend and whispers quietly beside her ear.

"Who is that?"

"That's Mia, she moved here about a month ago."

"Where's she from?"

"No one's really sure. She's really quiet and reserved, and no one can figure it out from her socials. Why?"

"Just curios."

Hanna leans back into her seat, trying not to stare at Mia but naturally stealing a couple glances. As she shifts her attention back to coach Jameson, she picks back up on what he's saying

" basically one or two every month but we don't know for sure. Any other questions?"

No one raises their hand, so the coach dissmisses everyone. As people shuffle out of the door, Hanna brushes up against Mia, catching a trace of her perfume. It smells of wildflowers and lemonade in the summer. A scent almost as beautiful as her.


Hanna - first person

I walk into the locker rooms, contemplating my essay from the previous period, but all my thoughts dissolve as I open the door.

Shit I thought.

About 30 girls, in the locker room, with twenty of them fully naked and changing into their swimsuits, while the other ten are either already in them or changing in the bathroom stalls. I file through the chatter, keeping my head suspiciously focused on the floor and open a locker labeled 31. While I take my glasses off and sort through my bag to find my swimsuit, I try to understand how these girls are so comfortable changing in front of each other. How could you possibly not be embarrassed knowing your peers are seeing you naked? I wrap a towel around myself and take off my clothes underneath it, switching my jeans and flannel for a one peice. I drop the towel, embarrassed that I was the only one uncomfortable enough to change under a towel. Until I turn and see her. Mia. With her back turned to me, I can see her through the rows of half clothed girls, shes changing under a towel. She's put her hair in a tight bun and next to her sits a backpack with embroidered flowers. She must really like flowers.

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