02- Airport

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It's still really dark out and it's going to take 2hrs to get to the airport so I take a small nap.

I wake up a while later and we're still driving.
"We'll be there in about 20mins okay Chris"


I go onto my phone and send a tweet; @MissChris I'm so excited, goin bck 2 liv in Aussie!!

I spend the rest of the journey playing games on my phone and looking at how quiet it is outside.
There aren't many cars on the road, it's probably because today is Saturday, and also because,well like...who the hell gets up at 6:10 on a weekend...I don't know.

"So hun, how does it feel to be moving back to Australia?" my dad asks,keeping his eyes on the road.

"I can't wait!" I squeal with excitment.
" I think it might take me a while to get settled again though"

"Oh,no,I have a feeling you'll do great sweetie,plus you'll have your old friends" my mom says.

"I don't know,what if they don't remember me" I say,feeling a little bit unhappy about the thought.

I mean,what if my closest friend really doesn't actually remember me.

I'd be more heartbroken then he was when I left in the first place.

"How could they forget someone like you" my dad says smiling at me in the mirror.

I return a fake smile and continue to look out the window.

"We're here" Dad informs,and I can actually feel myself getting giddy.

We park our car,grab out bags and walk into the airport.

Once we've finished getting our bags checked and everything we head to Starbucks for breakfast.

I order a caramel frapp and bluberry muffin as does my mom,and Dad just gets a cappuccino.

We eat in silence and then leave to go to our Gate.

"Alright we're Gate 4..do you see it?" my dad says.

"It's there" I say,pointing towards our Gate.

We walk over and take our seats in the waiting area.

Once we board the plane,I take my usual seat by the window.

I love looking out the window,plus mom gets plane sick if she takes the window seat.

I plug in my earphones and listen to a couple of Green Day songs before sleep takes over.

"Chris,wake up,"

My eyes flutter open and I see my mom poking my face.

She's so weird.

I shuffle around and sit up as she hands me a cup of apple juice and a croissant.

"I took your order for you since you were asleep,"


I finish my small meal and continue to look out the window and listen to music.

Soon I can see the fields and small cars and trucks beneath the clouds and excitement takes over me once again.

We grab our luggage from above our seats and make our way off the plane.

Sorry it's quite short,I've been busy today as it was my 14th birthday:-D
But my chapters will probably be short anyway,although I promise they'll be frequent enough

Ciara xx

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