The Sealing

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Konohagakure no Sato was a peaceful village in Hi no Kuni( Land of Fire, named for its warm temperature in the summer months). Today was supposed to be the secret birth of the village leaders 2nd child but Kami does like to throw curve balls at her creations.

The 1st child was known as Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, he was only 7 years old but extremely smart and we'll coordinated for his age. He had a head full of dark red hair like his mother's but his was spiky while hers was silky smooth. The reason for this will be explained.

His eyes were also like his mother's, they were purple but had a more bluish color(See Royal Blue/Purple color). Girls would be mesmerized by them when he hit his teen years.

He was under the watch of the Hokage's last surviving student. (We all know that's a lie but roll with it)

He was an anbu that looked to be in his mid-twenties with gravity defying silver hair. His face was hidden beneath a porcelain dog mask. He read a certain orange book that was the source of both pleasure and hatred in women.

While he was reading he didn't notice that a certain red haired child was sneaking up on him. Naruto could barley hold in a monkey like giggle as he lit the guards ass on fire.

Kakashi could smell something cooking but didn't know what it was. He then looked behind him and saw that he was cooking, with a yell he ran towards the pond and jumped in ass first. He left a smoke filled trail that covered a laughing Naruto. He rolled around holding his stomach from the hilarity from his prank.

'Oh, man that was too much. I cant breathe!!!!'

Kakashi had a slight look of anger and annoyance. Then he thought of a little bit of revenge. He made a few hand signs and slammed his hand on the ground.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!

In a puff of smoke a pack of dogs of varying sizes and breeds appeared form an man sized bulldog to a small pug, but they all had ninja headbands and vests along with some scarfs. Naruto knew what this entailed and gained a pale-faced scared shitless look. They all looked to Kakashi who a grin under his mask. He simply pointed to Naruto and said to words that caused fear in The young red-head and predatory smirk from the dog.

"Sic'em." In a flash the ninken pounced. Naruto managed a small squeak as he ran to evade the dogs. He ran in circles and finally jumped into a tree to escape. He held onto a branch as he yelled in comical fear.

Kakashi giggled at the monkey like attitude of his sensei's son but he knew why he had these traits.

(7 years ago)

Years ago when the 3rd war was raging Minato was facing off against the previous jinchuriki of the Yonbi. They fought for hours but the Kiiroi Senkō won, but the privious jichuriki asked a favor before passing to not let the Yonbi fall into Iwa's hands.

He explained how he and his brother Han were forced to become jinchuriki under their father the Nidaime Tsuchikage. But unlike most jinchuriki he made friends with the tailed beast, and wished to see him happy. Minato agreed and took him to to have his Bijuu extracted. The red haired man revealed his name to be Roshi. He said he had no regrets and died with a small smile on his face.

After the process he met the monkey king who was quite polite and was very boisterous. He revealed he hated being refereed to as the Yonbi and asked to be called by his real name Son Gokū. He had asked for Roshi to be buried at the foot of Mt.Sakurajima, an active volcano.

He was to be sealed in Minato's own son which was the only person compatible with the Bijuu, Kushina was visibly outraged at this refused and told the monkey to pick some one else. She knew that being a jinchuriki was a hard and pain filled life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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