Chapter 1: Let the hunt begin

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"Let the hunt begin."

Day 1:
Kagami was reported missing yesterday.
I searched our usual hang out spots. No results.
I called her phone ten times and texted her fifteen times. No results.
I asked my parents and Luka. No results.
Please, be okay, Kagami. I'm worried, my dragon.

Day 2:
Kagami was reported missing two days ago.
I searched both of our neighbourhoods. No results.
I called her phone ten more times and texted her twelve more times. No results.
I'm considering asking the classmates.
I asked Andre (the ice cream one), Cat Noir, Jagged and five people from other classes. No results.
Please, be okay, Kagami. I'm worried, my dragon.

Day 3:
Kagami was reported missing three days ago.
I don't remember where I searched. I only remember waking up on a bench.
I called her phone another ten times and texted her eleven more times. No results.
I'm still considering asking the classmates.
I asked Rose, Chloe, Sabrina, Adrian, Anarka and Clara and six more people from other classes. No results.
Please, be okay, Kagami. I'm worried, my dragon.

Day 4:
Kagami was reported missing four days ago.
I don't remember where I searched. I only remember waking up in the hospital.
I called her phone another eleven times and texted her twelve more times. No results.
I asked Alya, Julika, Ivan, Nino, Mylene, Alix, Max, Kim and Ms Bustier. No results.
Please, be okay, Kagami. I'm worried, my dragon.

Day 5:
Kagami was reported missing five days ago.
My parents didn't let me search today. They wanted me to stay in to recover.
I called her phone another eleven times and texted her thirteen more times. No results.
I couldn't ask anyone I haven't already.
I overheard my parents talking. They want me to go to school but understand why I haven't.
Where are you, my dragon?

Day six:
Kagami was reported missing six days ago.
I think I searched all of Paris as LB. It's honestly a blur. No results.
I called her phone another eleven times and texted her fifteen more times. No results.
I asked everyone I know. No results.
School called. Police will be contacted if I don't attend tomorrow.
Where are you, my dragon?

Day seven:

"You can do this Marinette," Tiki cheered in her usual happy voice which no longer matched her holder's "It's only six hours."
"It's six hours I could be spending finding Kagami," Marinette groaned, pulling her hoodie on.
Tiki sighed as she looked over the young Guardian. Death warmed over would best describe her. Sunken eyes with a dull and distant look, limited and close movements, forgetting to do the basics and a general lack of...well, 'Marinette Dupain-Cheng'. She had fallen out of almost all of her routines and hobbies, making her few house plants echo her and the abandoned sketchbook was on the verge of becoming a dust farm.
"You... You've been eating properly, right?" Tiki asked, eyeing how the hoodie appears more baggy then it normally did.
Marinette didn't reply for a second. "Busy," she simply said as she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder "Let's get going. Knowing my luck, I could be late and I don't want to get my folks in trouble for something I've done."
Tiki frowned. "Okay, Mari. Have you checked on Longg?"
Marinette nodded and gestured to the red and black choker, the dragon miraculous, she was wearing. "She wanted to come to school. She doesn't trust herself...or me."
"I don't blame her," Tiki muttered but smiled. "If you see Kagami, she'll be able to have Kwami therapy right away."
Marinette seemed surprised at Tiki's words but nodded.


Her laugh sounded like wind chimes on a mid-autumn day. Marinette could never find any words that conveyed Kagami's laugh, but that would do it for now.

["She's back?"]

Rarely ever heard, but beautiful every time? Maybe that would describe it better? She was never any good at creative writing. She never knew how to properly craft. But she had one hundred percent confidence in the fact that on this home alone night, watching The Mitchell Vs The Machines with the Kwamis, Kagami was the most beautiful human in the world.

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