Chapter 2: The hunter emerges

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The beast stood as the purple hue faded. If you hadn't seen the akumatization, you'd assume she was some inhuman like boxer, instead of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Ma...Marinette?" Alya stammered, looking at the beast through her camera.
The beast scowled with a growl, revealing her slightly longer canines.

"It's Hunter."

Her dishevelled hoodie and paint stained sweatpants had been replaced by hunting gear that resembled her usual outfit to an extent. The main difference were the red and black war paint like streaks that covered her dark grey shell jacket and pink shell trousers. From her rolled up sleeves, Alya could also see the same streaks on her skin alongside some brand new scars. Why did she still look like herself?

Why does she look like Marinette?!

Hunter flexed her left arm, trying to get rid of the last of the stabbing pain. So that's what an akumatization felt like. An extreme stabbing pain all over your body as it shifts to a foreign form under a purple hue of anger and frustration. Hunter quickly noticed the blazer draped over her left arm, attached to her shoulder. Kagami's sent peacefully assaulted her nose. Enhanced senses. Useful. Hunter continued to survey her new form as the creatures around her looked on in frozen fear. She noticed that she had a bow on her back alongside a quiver of various arrows. Each arrows feather's felt different. Attached to a long leather string was a set of reed pipes. Five dark grey pipes with flute like holes highlighted in white.

She was taller.



[Marinette let out a groan of frustration as she tried to desperately reach the yarn on a high shelf.
"Are you sure you don't need help?" Kagami asked, eyeing how much Marinette was straining to reach the deep red yarn.
"I'm fine, thank you," Mari replied through gritted teeth...and then proceeded to lose her footing. ]

Hunter wanted to smile fondly at the memory. That day started Kagami's impromptu bridal carries. They were honestly the best kind of therapy, only second to laying in her lap while watching Komi Can't Communicate.


Hunter felt her ears unconsciously flick and turn as someone dropped something. She reached up and felt them, finding them pointed.

She found her earrings.

She heard the light patter of a ladybug's legs from outside.

[Kagami watched in amazement as three ladybugs landed on Mairnette's open palm and two more on her shoulder.
"You just need to be gentle with them. They'll come to you," Mari explained as if it was an everyday occurrence for ladybugs to randomly land on you "Go on, dragon, hold out your hand."
Kagami did exactly that.
"It's okay. She won't hurt you. She's a friend," Mari quietly whispered to the ladybugs on her shoulder.
After a few long seconds, one ladybug landed on Kagami's hand, shortly followed by a second. Kagami broke into a smile. It felt...weird to have two ladybugs walking over her hand to say the least. She glanced over to Marinette. She looked proud.
"You're beautiful when you smile." Mari blushed, looking deep into her eyes.
For a few seconds, only the calming sound of the slow moving river were heard.]

For the fist time, Hunter looked at the creatures around her. Lila had crumpled to the floor. Alya almost had herself pinned to the wall. Adrian was missing, but Hunter could have sworn he was there earlier. Honestly, how did she fall for him? He knew full well what Lila was doing! Everyone else was hiding behind or under a desk.
"Are you still there ma'am?" the phone operator asked from Ms Bustier's phone.
Hunter grabbed her reed pipes and played a three note tune. She didn't even know how she knew how to play it. Maybe Hawkmoth did, but by that logic Hawkmoth would also know how to turn people into zombies with a simple kiss and how to digitalise people, and none of those made any sense. To everyone's horror, fog started to pool from the reed pipes until it filled the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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