Dragons and Humans

18 1 1

3rd Person POV...

"Long ago,humans and dragons"

"Lived in perfect harmony"

"But the humans became greedy"

"And began to take over the world"

"Consuming everything in their path"

"The Dragons pleaded with the humans"

"To stop this selfish quest"

"But instead of listening the humans declared war"

"An evil alchemist,Petrosius" 

"Created a dragon-killing monster"

"And named it Nettlebrand"

"But Petrosius could not control the monster" 

"And was killed by his own creation"

"Nettlebrand began hunting dragons all over the  world" 

"The Dragons scattered helplessly" 

"Unable to counter Nettlebrand's immunity to their fire"

"After losing their tracks"

"Nettlebrand retreated to his creator's castle" 

"Obsessed with his desire to devour" 

"Centuries passed" 

"The Humans took over the World"

"Forgetting all about special creatures"

" The remaining dragons had no choice but to hide"

"Keeping their existence a secret"

"From the rest of the world"

"But nothing remains hidden..."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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