Cast x fem!half-abstract reader (platonic)

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requested by: DragonCookie_10

y/n lays down in her bed staring at the ceiling in boredom. as much as she wants to go out and do something, she cant exactly risk getting spotted by one of the others. she has been hiding away in the circus for as long as she can remember because she is to afraid of what the others will think of her. 

not even cane knows about her and y/n would rather keep it that way. although y/n is starting to get tired of constantly having to watch from the shadows...y/n immediately pushes that thought aside. they cant possibly reveal themselves now. "when im ready I will" she says to herself.

sighing, y/n sits up and looks around her "hideout". it is just a basic room with a bed, small desk, and a shelf of books all that she has read a thousand times. 

y/n thinks about what she can do to busy herself with. "all of the others are asleep...I could go for a walk outside the tent?" y/n thinks aloud but shrugs that idea off due to the face there isn't much outside. 

"I haven't used my lab in a while. might as well mess around and who knows, maybe I can finally find the cure to this curse" as y/n said that she looks down at her very much deformed hand and arm. y/n laughs sadly to herself, knowing the chance of her finding a cure was very unlikely. 

y/n grabs her cane and walks out of the room to her lab. as soon as she exits the room she uses the cane and watches as it surrounds her with an invisible force canceling her presence. once making it into her lab she begins adding different substances into a vile while also taking notes for the different reactions. 

using a "pipette" y/n transfers a slightly glowing orange liquid into a black on. just as she is doing it however, something from behind her bumps into y/n and causes her to slip and drop the substance. 

Pushing herself off the floor, y/n rubs her head feeling a bruise had already formed. after she gathers her barings y/n notices what had caused her to fall and y/n shrieks. it appears to be one of the gloinks except it seems to be glitching out just like some of y/ns body parts.

"what the %$!#" y/n yells out in surprise, her swearing of course getting censored. 

slowly approaching the abstracted gloink y/n realized the substance she was experimenting with must have fallen on it and altered its appearance. 

as y/n looks down at it with a curious expression the glitching shape like creature bounces to her and nudges her knee. y/s hesitates at first backing away from it but then realizing it meant no harm she kneels down and slowly reaches her hand out for the creature. it seems to be inspecting her hand but eventually hops into y/ns hand and lets her pick it up. 

y/n smiles and cautiously begins to pet it with her also abstracted hand.  it makes a purring sound in response and y/n laughs. "your actually pretty cute." 

after a few minutes of y/n just petting it the creature jumps out of her hand, catching y/n off guard for a second. as the gloink bounces around the room y/n starts cleaning up the shattered glass from earlier. once she finished throwing the mess away y/n looks around the room for the abstracted shape having decided she would take it back to her hideout and keep it as a pet. 

not long after y/n spots the creature "there you are." y/n says playfully as she walks over to it.  however just as y/n picks it up, another exact duplicate hops out from behind one of the machines. specifically the cloning machine y/n apparently forgot to turn off. 

y/n tilts her head. "oh. uhhhh...I guess I could take you as well." as y/n says that it seems the creature understood and it bounces over to her and y/n picks it up. having taken both of them to her place, y/n decides to get some shut eye and goes to sleep with the two gloinks now left unsupervised in her room. 

the next morning y/n wakes up to the sounds of yelling from what seemed to be a majority of the cast. y/n groggily opens their eyes and is immediately met with multiple glitching eyes. y/n lets out a scream and the abstract shape quickly gets shoved off by y/n.

looking around her room she notices that the door is very much wide open and the gloink that had previously disturbed her runs out. y/n groans as she tiredly gets up, grabbing her cane and walking out of the room to investigate the noise.

to y/ns utter horror, there are what appears to be at least a hundred more of the abstracted gloinks bouncing around the place and causing complete havoc. y/n pinches the bridge of her nose. "I really cant get a !%#?$!* break can I?" y/n quickly runs over to her lab and turns off her cloning machine to at least stop there from being any more. 

while y/n is in the middle of trying to think of a way to possibly fix her mistake her thoughts are interrupted by screaming. y/n reluctantly runs out of the room but not before turning on her invisibly. 

after making it to the main area of the tent she notices the main cast seemed to be incredibly confused as to where the sudden infestation came from. that was when cane appeared out of thin air. "what is with all the ruckus-" he cuts himself off as he sees all the chaos happening before his eyes. "oh my...this wasn't what I had in mind for today" cane says to himself. although he didn't actually seem to take it seriously as always. 

y/n watches all of them as the main cast looks at cane to see what he does. none of them are aware of the half abstract person watching them as well thanks to her invisibility. 

"how exactly are we supposed to get rid of these...things" Jax asks as he brushes off one of the creatures that were scaling up his leg. cane looks at him and opens up a hole leading into darkness. 

"why the cellar of course!" cane exclaims in a unusually cheerful tone. y/ns eyes widen as she sees cane lift up three of the abstract gloinks and hovers them over the void. y/n runs over as fast as she can and activates her own cane stopping the creatures from being dropped in.

"wha?" cane seems confused as the rest of the cast also hold questioning faces. y/n finally reveals herself "let go of them!" she shouts. 

the group looks at the abstract form that just suddenly appeared and they all exchange confused glances. cane lets go of the gloinks to y/n safely sets them down breathing a sigh of relief. 

everyone gathers around y/n and begins asking questions all at once making y/n overwhelmed. "everybody settle down! your making her scared!" Ragatha shouts in turn causing everyone to be quite. y/n gives her a thankful look and Ragatha gives her a thumbs up in return. 

Y/n begins to explain who she is all of the other questions that they had. Afterwards everyone begins to help y/n gather all the gloinks and y/n makes a room to temporarily keep them. the cast goes back to their rooms along with y/n. As y/n gets into bed one of the gloinks hop into her lap. y/n grins as they wrap their arm around their new pet and slowly she closes her eyes. 

Finally, y/n gets a good nights rest knowing that she has made new friends.

1294 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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