Slumber Party 🤯 (❤️/🔥)

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(Heavily inspired by another fic, can't remember who made it but if I do remember I'll give credits, basically everyone is playing hide and seek and Ethan and Leon both go to the basement and bang/make out)

(TW: Making out, bad language and cringe)

Everyone was in Strebers house, in pyjamas watching a movie. They may have all been in there early 20s but that never stopped anyone from having a slumber party.

"So... Basically, the plan is we're going to watch a horror movie, order pizza, play a game or something then... I don't know, drink?? What do adults do at slumber party's??" Streber announced, reading out of his notepad before Liv pulled it out of his hand.

"We're not drinking, you oldies are forgetting that there is an impressionable minor amongst us." Liv pointed at Confi.

"Liv I'm 24?" Confi looked up at Liv.

"Then why are you so tiny??" Liv looked confused.

"We're the exact same height???"

"Wait, whatever, no one cares, what are we doing later?" Ethan stood up off the couch and looked at everyone in the room.

Streber stood next to him, because he liked feeling like he was in charge, but he didn't say anything, while everyone else just stared.

"Let's just play a game." Aria rolled her eyes.

"What about tag around the house??" Leon suggested, smiling, he knew he had an advantage because he was way faster then everyone else.

"No, if you break something I'll never let any of you inside my house again, we'll play something that doesn't involve running..." Streber said, then thought...

"HIDE AND SEEK!!!" Blaz, who was sitting in the chair behind Ethan and Streber, stood up and yelled.

"Calm down!! My neighbours will file a noise complaint... Hide and seek it is I guess." Streber nodded uncertainly before sitting down on the floor.

"Ill count! I prefer counting." Aria said, before turning around to face the wall and shutting her eyes. "I'm counting to 60."

Everyone started legging it for the basement, the best spot, Leon got there first but Blaz blocked the door on him, but then Ethan came along and slid in between Blaz's legs and down the basement stairs, which distracted Blaz momentarily and allowed Leon to push past, then shut the door.

"Thanks for distracting him." Leon whispered, looking at Ethan.

"I wasn't trying to help you, you just happened to get in easier because of something I did." Ethan shrugged. "I would've preferred to be alone down here."

Leon looked at all the spider webs and the Halloween decorations. "I wouldn't have been able for it here on my own."

"Pfft, pussy." Ethan laughed at Leon before going over to a box and standing behind it, out of sight from the basement door.

"Can I go back there with you?" Leon looked around, he was definitely afraid of the basement.

"Sure. Just don't make to much noise." Ethan moved over a little so Leon had room, but as Leon was making his way past the boxes he tripped, pushed Ethan to the ground and accidentally pinned him to the floor...

"What are you doing???" Ethan looked confused, but he was blushing.

"Uhm... Sorry?" Leon was blushing a lot, both from embarrassment and due to the fact he was flustered.

"... Apology taken." Ethan wrapped his arms around Leon's neck and pulled him closer. "You know, your actually quite good looking from this angle."

Leon was just downright confused now "Uhm... Thank you?" Leon blushed more.

Ethan laughed lightly, before kissing Leon... Now Leon was really confused, but Ethan was a good enough kisser so he wasn't going to pull away...

Ethan slid his tongue into Ethan's mouth, exploring it with his tongue as he kissed him more passionately, moaning softly as he did so.

Leon moaned as Ethan's tongue penetrated his mouth and he moved his hands to rest on Ethan's waist, he was pinning him to the floor anymore but it was more comfortable for both of them.

Ethan was actually getting into it now, Leon could feel him getting hard against him, Ethan pulled away and started kissing Leon's neck instead, just for them to catch their breaths a little... And the the basement door opened.

"Hah! Found yo-... Holy shit." Aria slowly backed away from the door, she shut it behind her but the 2 could here her running to tell Blaz, Confi, Liv and Streber.

"Fuck..." Leon groaned, standing up to try and go explain... Something

Ethan grabbed onto Leon's leg "When everyone else is asleep, we're coming down here and doing that again."

Leon nodded uncertainly before running up the stairs and out the basement door... Leaving Ethan to try and decide whether they were friends with benefits or what.

Oh, and for Ethan's boner we'll just say he had a wank while he was deciding, sure why not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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