chapter 3

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I was just sitting with Octavia and her older brother, I was only talking to Octavia, not really bellamy cause I didn't know him that well

I looked over at Clarke and Finn talking to each other, I was curious what they were talking about cause they looked worried, I just went back to my conversation with Octavia

I was pulled out of the conversation with Octavia when wells spoke up "relax we're just trying to figure out where we are" Bellamy cut in "were on the ground that not good enough for you?" Wells sighed and spoke again "we need to find mount weather you heard my fathers message it has to be our first priority"

Octavia spoke up "screw your father, what you think your in charge? You and your little princess?"

Clarke replied to her "do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to mount weather not because the chancellor said so but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be how long do you think we'll last without those supplies, we're looking at a 20 mile trek okay? So if we wanna get there before dark we need to leave now"

Bellamy replied "I got a better idea, you two go, find it for us let the privileged do the hard work for once" everyone cheered I remained silent next to octavia watching this all go down

Wells looked at Bellamy saying "your not listening we all need to go" but then he got shoved by Murphy "look at this, chancellor of earth" everyone laughed at that wells asked him "you think that's funny?" Murphy got mad, tripping him making him fall backwards Clarke called out "Wells" but some kid grabbed onto her as she tried to help him

I tried to go help him but octavia held me back, as Murphy was about to fight him again a kid jumped down from the walls of the drop ship right in front of Murphy making everyone go silent "kids got one leg how about you wait til it's a fair fight" Finn said to Murphy, but he just stared at Finn until octavia walked up to Finn "hey spacewalker rescue me next" that made a few kids laugh

Octavia went back to Bellamy once Finn walked off "what? He's cute" Octavia said to Bellamy, he replied "he's a criminal" octavia said one more thing "they're all criminals" then Bellamy dragged her off to the side so I walked off cause it's probably personal

I walk up to Clarke "so mount weather when do we leave?" I heard Finn ask Clarke she replied "right now,we'll be back tomorrow with food"

Wells questioned Clarke and Finn "how are you guys gonna carry enough food for a hundred" Finn turned and pulled jasper and Monty around so them 3 were facing wells "now we have four, can we go now?" I look at Clarke and say "make it five, I'll go" Clarke smiled but then octavia walked up to us with her brother following "sounds like a party make it six" Bellamy questioned Octavia "hey what the hell are you doing" octavia replied "going for a walk"

I walk to octavia and Bellamy "don't worry I'll watch over her for you" Bellamy just looked at me then sighed, as the group of four walked off I was waiting for octavia, Bellamy said "Go on" octavia smiled and kissed his cheek then I walked off with octavia to the rest of the group

I heard Octavia talking to Clarke "before you get any ideas Finn is mine" Clarke replied to her "before you get any ideas I don't care" she snapped back then walked ahead, I was walking next to octavia

I hope you guys liked this chapter sorry it took so long my Wattpad wasn't working but it finally started working, I might post another chapter, if not tonight I will tomorrow and sorry if I got some of the scenes wrong I tried my best

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