💛Finn- Buttercup

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Plz request cuz I have done hundreds of peaky blinders oneshots and I'm worrying that some are being repeated x

Nobody could possibly know how she was feeling. Not a soul. She never loved the man who took her virginity, but she truly believed that she could learn to love him. Their was something there, and now it didn't have a chance to grow. The boys had come back from war just a few months ago, and everything was going great. But then, things changed and nobody knew except for y/n.

"You alright love?" Polly asked as y/n was making several cups of tea, her hands shaking as she tried not to cry

"I'm alright mum. I think I'm just gonna lie down for abit." She said, dropped everything she was doing and running up the stairs, knowing that if she waited any longer, then her family would see her cry.

Downstairs, as y/n listened from her room, finn asked his brother, "What's wrong with y/n? Should I ask if she wants to play football? It's her favourite thing to do."

In fact, y/n really didn't enjoy football. But she enjoyed seeing Finns face light up as he scored against her. She enjoyed the smile he would have as she acted childish and she enjoyed being the reason he was happy.

"Just leave her for a while. She's probably not feeling well," Tommy told finn.

A few hours later, y/n was the only person in the house until finn entered.

"Y/n? Are you home? Pol said I should check on you," he yelled but she didn't answer. Going upstairs, he saw the bathroom door ajar. Entering, finn didn't know what to think. There was blood all over the bathroom, and y/n was sat against the toilet with a bottle of wine in her hands and tears running down her cheeks

"Are you hurt?" He asked, rushing to her side. He was only eleven years old, and y/n knew that he didn't need to see this

"Go back to the garrison buttercup and tell my mum that I'm asleep. Go on finn." But her speech was slurred as if she was drunk, and finn didn't leave her side. He sat down next to her and held her shaking hand

"You are hurt, aren't you? Just tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it."

"You're such a good boy finn. So kind and brave. But it's adult business"

"There aren't any adults here to help. Whatever it is, I can atleast listen. Aunt pol says children are better at listening that adults. We take stuff in and adults just block it out." Y/n smiled a sad smile, blinking away any extra tears as she explained

"I had a boyfriend and I was pregnant buttercup. But, he died a few days ago. He was struggling with flashbacks of the war and couldn't handle it. I thought I would atleast have my baby as a reminder, something to keep me going, but now the baby has died finn, died still in my stomach. So I'm doing what I do best. Drinking away my sorrows. Except it doesn't seem to be working because with every gulp, the emotions seem to get stronger rather than going away"

Finn was quiet for a moment, looking around at the state of the bathroom

"This blood...is it your baby's blood?" Silently, y/n nodded in reply, breaking down into more sobs as finn kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly

"I'm sorry finn. You're still a kid, I shouldn't be telling you this. Go back to the garrison and dont tell anyone-"

"I'm not leaving you like this. You have a bath and ill clean up the blood. You shouldn't have to clean up your own baby, that isn't fair." She kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.

Soon enough, y/n was soaking in the water, a glass of wine in her hands. Finn had cleaned the bathroom whilst the water was running and now, he walked into the bathroom. Quickly, he took away her glass of wine


"It isn't helping you. You're still sad. It's only gonna give you a headache tomorrow. I've made you a cup of tea instead. I've never made one before but I've watched aunt pol do it loads of times!" Y/n smiled at him, gratefully taking the cup of tea. He had made one for himself aswell. As the liquid touched their lips, both of them grimaced

"Wow. That was vile. But I appreciate the gesture buttercup"

"Sorry about that"

"Don't be. You've done enough finn. You can go back to the garrison now. I'll be alright," y/n told him as she held his hand, kissing it as tears filled her eyes

"I don't want to go back. I want to stay here. I'll leave you to have a bath and then you should probably go to bed. You've got bags under your eyes and you look like shit"


Once y/n was out of the bath, she went into her bedroom and wrapped a robe around her. Finn entered her room as she was about to dry her hair. Instead of doing it herself, finn Silently took the hairdryer from her hands aswell as the brush and he began drying her hair. Y/n simply sat infront of the mirror, meeting Finns eyes every now and then with a sad smile on her face.

When her hair was dry, both she and finn got into her bed as she held him close, stroking his hair

"I know your brothers always tell you different, but trust me, you are more of a gentleman than any of them. Please buttercup, don't grow up"

"I'll try not to. Even if I do grow up, I'm still gonna be your buttercup though, aren't I?"

Y/n kissed his head and continued to stroke his hair, blinking back the rears that formed in her eyes

"You'll always be my buttercup. Go to sleep now. I think we both need it."

Nobody else ever found out about y/ns late boyfriend and their child. Finn didn't tell a soul, just how y/n wanted it to be. It was their own little secret, something they both held onto forever.

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