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"On the count of three, mate. One, two — and up you go."

Ominis collapsed on his unmade bed, still clutching the bottle of liquor in his hands with a death grip. Sebastian experienced an awfully familiar bout of deja vu from that very sight before it morphed into gut-wrenching pity. He was growing quite tired of watching his friends be miserable.

"You're both terribly lousy drunks," Sebastian muttered. "Depressing, really."

"Oh, and have you been seeing my girlfriend drunk often, Sebastian?" Ominis slurred, head lolling to the side. Sebastian decided it best not to correct him at the moment. "I think I'd be angrier, but all of it's channeled towards that Ravenclaw prick at the moment. I'll get to you shortly, promise—"

"Alright, bud, that's enough," he intervened, snatching the bottle from his hand. "Time for bed."

Ominis ignored him, rubbing a hand down his face. "Stupid fucking star— prat."

"You've used that one already," Sebastian said, shaking out his covers. "You're losing your touch."

"Sod off," Ominis scowled half-heartedly. His brows knitted together, as if turning around a thought. "Do you think he makes her come?" He hiccuped, rolling over on his side. "Fuck. I'm going to be sick—"

"Oh, no you don't, I've just scourgified—"

Ominis at least had the decency of bending over and vomiting on the carpet. Sebastian let out a sigh, patting his shoulder a few times.

"From what I know, he's never touched her," Sebastian said softly, trying to be reassuring.

"That's not what she said."

"She was upset," Sebastian argued. "Angry. Hurt. People say stupid things when they're wounded."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to do this," Ominis mumbled, burying his face in the nearest pillow. "I can't let her go. I can't."

"How many times have we had this conversation by now?" Sebastian asked, rolling his friend over so he didn't suffocate himself. He conjured a glass of water, holding it out to him. "I'm getting tired of trying to convince you to go talk to her. What will it take, hm? Her actually getting with Amit?"

Ominis' features contorted as if Sebastian had just landed a firm punch to his gut.

"I can't talk to her, don't you understand?" Ominis said. "If she knows why I'm doing this, she'll never let me go through with it. She'd rather get herself killed."

Sebastian, having had this exact conversation with Ominis no less than a thousand times over the course of the last week, decided that his insistence wouldn't do much good at the moment. Pulling the covers over his friend, he left the dorm wondering if all love was this bloody dramatic.

Sebastian was right about one thing, you really had no plans of forgiving him for seeking out Ominis that night.

Logically, you sought after no other than his unofficial girlfriend to rant to instead. Poppy was perfecty willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, and you had an instinctual feeling she was more trustworthy than Sebastian would ever be.

"Well, it's clear Ominis still cares for you."

You were sat cross-legged in a corner of the Hufflepuff common room, having done your best to avoid any other house for the past week. Amit was kind enough to not appear too wounded by your sudden distancing, though the same couldn't be said about Leander, who sought you out in every shared class. Sebastian was the absolute worst of them all, trailing after you with a kicked-puppy look while you refused to speak to him.

Hopeless | Ominis Gaunt x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora