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Sachie's pov.
Hi there. My name is Sachie. I'm a Demi girl (she/they) I like things that a normal anime fan would like. My favorites are Haikyuu and Bungo Stray Dogs. My favorite game is Danganronpa v3. Anyway I suppose I have friends, although most are fake -probably-, at least I think. I have been diagnosed with Autism people don't know that though. I have serious trust issues. Not to mention I used to go to therapy. SOMEHOW SOMEWAY they said *Oh you don't need therapy here you have been misdiagnosed you thinking you had anxiety.* Or some shit like that.

I am happy, I truly am. Even if I easily lose track of my self. Being a people pleaser, isn't a good thing. Especially in the environment I live in a little city, about a couple 100,000people. And I hate practically everyone. Barely any of them I care about. Most of my true friends live outside the city but I have about 3-5 friends that I trust live here and we all live pretty close by.

My family is all over the place. I rarely see my cousins on both my mom and dad's side. I mainly only see my grandparents, whom are homophobic and I haven't told them anything much, not about my sexuality, my pronouns, and my autism. All I am is their little good grandchild with good grades, likes religion, and plays piano. Thankfully I have good parents my mom supports me and so does my dad. My life is fine. Except when you see my school life.

Edit: Just for those who are wondering Sachie is a bit young because this happened when I was younger.

Word count: 266

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