Ochaco X Riko X Iida (smut)

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I AM BACK FUCKERS (also their will be no moaning cause I am terribly bad at typing moans)


Iida haven't been talking to me for a while, he been hanging around with this girl named Riko I don't like that, I found out her phone number and DAMN SHE IS HOT but I am still mad at her...

Ochaco: Are you Riko?

Riko: Yes I am, and you are?

Ochaco: Ochaco, my name is Ochaco 

Riko: What do you need Ochaco

Ochaco: You know Iida right

Riko: Yeah? Why...

Ochaco I like Iida

Riko: Same here...

Ochaco: ...

Riko: How about we both top him

Ochaco: I won't ask why you said that, BUT YES

Riko: Okay, first I will ask him to come to my dorm and I will fuck him first then while I do that you will be buying straps for us (she is gonna finger fucking-him until Ochaco comes with the stuff)

Ochaco: Bet. See you tomorrow 

Riko + Ochaco left the chat



When I was in class Riko and Ochaco kept on looking at me I noticed after Riko kissed my cheek.



after class Riko started the plan

Riko: Iida can you come to my dorm please

Iida: Sure thing

💭Riko: well that was easy...

Iida arrived at Riko's door

Riko: come in Iida 

Iida enters the room seeing Riko getting something from the closet

Riko: Hello darling, Ochaco will be here soon so let me get you ready

Riko pulled Iida to the bed and push him down to the bed

Iida: RIK-

Riko cuts Iida off by putting tape on his mouth 

Riko: Go wear this outfit NOW. (I hate ms)

Iida: Yes ma'am 

Riko made Iida wear a maid outfit 

Riko then pushed Iida back on the bed and rip his tights off + boxers, Riko then start to put 1 finger in Iida was surprise about it and start to moan as Iida does that it turns Riko more on she then adds 2 finger taking them out and in faster then the one finger of course Iida was still moaning, Riko then got inpatient so she started scissoring her fingers in the male, she then stop so she can add 3 fingers in-not allowing him to get ready for the fourth finger that she insert into him, Riko was troubling taking her finger out and in of Iida's hole cause he is so tight, good thing Ochaco came.


Ochaco: I got more then straps I got vibraters, cock rings,dildos, hand cuffs, gag, and a toothbrush that vibrates 

Riko: Why a toothbrush?

Ochaco: You will see

Ochaco gives Riko a strap and Riko shoves into Iida as Iida arch his back by the movements. Ochaco thens  pulls Rikos out of Iida so she can grab the toothbrush and turn in on so she and put it in Iida, as she does that Riko looks in her closet looking for something.

Ochaco starts to pull the toothbrush in and out of Iida's holes really fast, Iida trys to talk but only moans comes out...

Iida: Oc-mmMMM-hacoO-AHH NGHH-I am-m GoNNa c-C-UM-AHH

Ochaco shoves her strap in Iida hole with the toothbrush touching his balls. Riko couldn't find what she was looking for so she went over to Ochaco and iida, Iida was a cumming like crazy, but she  whispers into Ochaco ear and she nodded. Ochaco then got out off Iida and Riko shoved herself into one off Iida hole with means Ochaco was gonna shoved her strap into Iida other hole.

They ended up going for 13 arounds but Riko and Ochaco weren't tried but Iida was but did they care....


Riko only saw iida cum 8 times, Ochaco saw iida cum 5 times but they wanted Iida to cum 14 times go Riko shoved her WHOLE hand into Iida hole she doesn't care if it hurts him


Iida started to cry but guess what Riko didn't care she start spreading her fingers out in Iida's insides, Ochaco was jealous so she shoved her strap into Iida mouth, iida ended up cumming his cum was all over the bed they were all laying in cum at that point. Riko started to grab the cum and drank it she was doing that until Iida was dried, Riko wanted Iida to cum again but he already pass out Ochaco was still shoving her "cock" in Iida mouth.


Riko had to clean the cum up sense she made iida cum the most, Ochaco was hugging the shorter male in a blanket at the end of the bed.

When Riko was done cleaning she joined Iida and Ochaco in the blanket.

(754 words)

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