Chapter 2: Friend or Foe

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"Welcome to Deshpur Folks!" The fatherly driver announced as we stopped at a circular town square. A golden marble stone fountain centering the square, adorned with intricate decorations. Its flowing water, a mesmerizing crystal clear light blue, casting a serene ambiance. The people still are crowding around but the traffic seems less here. I look out of the wagon and see the huge tower more imposing up close. "If you would please watch your step as you exit from the back of the cart." The driver looks over his shoulder while giving instructions. I follow the person next to me get off first. Landing on the cobblestone street I call Ruby over to the back of the wagon. After crossing the gate with the guards she laid down further back towards the kids.

 "Come on Ruby." Ruby huffs but gets up and comes to the ledge. She jumps off and lands next to me. The three kids giggle and say bye to Ruby. 

"Bye, puppy!" "Goodbye!" Thank you for playing with us!" 

I smile at the kids and decide to help the rest of the people inside off as it gives me a chance to look and see if people pay the driver. I didn't think about that when I got on. One by one the people exit and I offer my hand and each person uses it surprisingly. I'm now reaping the reward for all the hard work I put into myself at the gym. I probably would have folded over otherwise as some people pushed most of their weight down on my hand. I watch as some people thank the driver and walk away. "Phew-" I'm glad I don't have to pay him, I would if I had money, but here I look about as poor as I am. Though it's not like I had a lot of money back home anyway. Mister glares-a-lot comes up to me. He takes my hand and hops off. I feel something in my palm. 

"Here get yourself some actual clothing." He still has his chin turned up as he looks at me. "You look odd here." he almost sounded nicer. I look at my palm. Three shiny gold coins sit heavily in my palm. "Uh you don't have to give me this." I look back up to him. I have to crane my neck when we both are standing. "Consider it a tip then." The man walks away in a huff leaving me no time to return the coins. Frowning, I stuff the coins in my front pocket so I can help the rest of the people leave the wagon. After the last passenger leaves I decide to give one of the coins to the driver. Hopefully good karma comes my way. I'll take what I can get. I go to the front of the wagon standing to the side of where he sits.

 "Thank you, sir." 

"Absolutely." He nods and tips his hat, the smile never leaving his face. I hand him one of my gold coins, and his eyes seem to widen. "Are you sure?..." he looks at me in disbelief. "Yeah, it's not like it was mine, to begin with." He continues to gawk at me. I walk away after a couple of seconds of awkward silence. I still don't know much of anything here. For now, I should look for new clothes, at the very least to help me blend in. I walk down the streets scouting stalls, Ruby following close behind me. "Get your vivies here!" Another stall owner calls out but this time I can hear what is being said. Curious, I walk over to the stall. "Vivies?" The stall owner looks at me and puts on the classic "customer service" face. "Didn't ya hear? They are the hot new toy from Mage Lillian!" Vivies, they look like the sparklers I saw on the way in. I smile at the owner. "I'm good sir but I hope they do well for you." Nodding at me he again calls attention to his stall and I take the cue to walk away. Vivies huh? That's a weird thing to call something.

 After walking around for what seemed like hours, I finally came across a modest clothing stall. It's tucked away from the main part of the festival but it's clean and well-organized. The smell of vanilla emanating from it. An older woman is facing away from me folding clothes. "Hello Ma'am" I called out. I hope she's still open. The older woman turns around. I can now see more of her features other than her patterned skirt and bright-colored blazer. Her gray hair which is up in a bun and wrinkles give her age. Her long ears seem to droop. However, she is well styled with red bead jewelry and complimentary colored clothing that ties her skirt to the rest of her outfit. I now understand the blazer as it ties the look together giving a classy appearance. The expression on her face shows she must be a pretty lively woman. Her smile has a mischievous air to it. "Hello, what can I do for you?" The old woman takes a slight curtsy with one of her hands stretched out. "I need some new clothes." I replied hoping to not sound too sarcastic. "Well, that is obvious." She chuckles and I grin at her little jab. My ego may be hurt but style is different here. I can look past her mild insult. Crossing my arms I reply "What's funny is you're not the first person to say that." The old woman nodded her head. "Oh, I bet, I've never seen those types of pants before." She laughs while shaking her head. "Even my late husband who tore through all his clothing never wore anything like that!" Embarrassed, I turned my head away. "Ah-I see" Her voice smooths out. "However I never turn away a customer, even if they look odd." Now I turn to look at her again. "Oh" That explains the looks I got while walking around, guess some people noticed my pants and probably took a closer look. Modern "my world" clothing isn't really found here. Smiling the woman adds. "And if you came up to me that means my clothing appeals to you and that I will take it as a compliment." While might as well tell her the truth. "Um, well someone took pity and gave me some coins while I helped them off a wagon." I rub my neck. "Fortunate for you then." Her expression indicates that type of kindness is less than common around here. I guess I just got lucky. "Although I'm curious as to why you have a dog with you? Farms are usually the only place they can be found at. I rarely see them around." The old woman looks at Ruby and extends her hand. Ruby walks towards it and sniffs it. The woman then pets Ruby's head. "Are you a farmer of some kind?" Her question brings me back to the guards, I might really, really need to buy something after all at least my guess was right. Clasping my hands together in uncertainty, I reply to the old woman. "Yeah, something like that." She looks between me and Ruby and smiles knowingly, nothing can get past her it seems. Spreading her arms out wide she indicates to all of her stall. "Well, how about you take a look and see what you like? I have styles for every person!" Kindness may not be common but it seems I was blessed, that or good karma did come my way. Which of course good karma only comes to me when I'm in a different world. Never had this kinda of luck before. "Thank you." Looking through the various styles of clothing I pick out plain light brown pants made of a leather-like material and a pair of simple but durable black calf-length boots with laces. A white "pirate" looking shirt with sleeves, a tan short sleeve, and a black elbow-length shirt. A deep emerald green cloak and with prompting from the older women a belt with a bag attached. "Here you go." I hand her one of the gold coins with my purchases in hand. Nodding she takes the coin and puts it in her pocket. "If you would like I have a tent behind the stall if you want to change?" Holding the clothes close to my chest the fabric feeling comfortable in my hands, I follow her directions. "That is very convenient." She shrugs, making even that look elegant. "Many people say that." Her light-hearted chuckle follows. "Too bad it was my husband's idea many years ago. He may have been stupid most times but this idea was genius." A faraway look enters her honey-brown eyes. The woman leads me to the tent and I walk through the flap. Ruby sits just outside and I quickly change. Leaving the tent with my new clothes on I feel like I now fit in with the people around me. "Stunning!" The older woman exclaims. "Thanks, but uh what do I do with my old clothes?" In my right hand I'm holding the bundle of my old clothes and spare shirts on my left are my sneakers. "You can hand them to me and I can reuse them, or you stick them in your pack and reuse them yourself." Her hands are clasped together she looks like the Queen of England taking a photo with the pose. I believe anything she does is always classy. It's kinda scary. I look at the bag attached to my hip. The bag isn't small but it won't be able to fit my shirt and jeans, forget about my shoes. That mischievous smile comes back to her face. "Just try it." 

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