My Prince (Sunoo)

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Sometimes love is just meant to be.....

*Y/N Pov*

I wake up to the maids calling me to breakfast. I get dressed and head straight to our extravagant dining room where I am told Ni-ki is going to marry me. "Father, this is not fair at all! You know I already have someone in my heart! How could you do this to me? I hate you!" I yell furiously at my poor father, who was sitting eating his breakfast. My anger boils inside of me as I am filled with sheer anger towards this arranged marriage. I storm out of the house, getting on my horse and riding off to Jay, leaving the confused maids behind.

I knock on his door, and to my surprise, he almost instantly answers. "Jay... can I spend a couple of days with you? I just need an escape for a little while." He nods and allows me to come in. "Thanks, Jay." I say, entering his cabin, plopping on his couch and balling my eyes out. "Y/N, what happened? You can talk to me. I promise everything will be okay." he says in the kindest tone I have ever heard. "Jay, they are making me marry Ni-ki to combine our kingdoms. Why do I have to? I have a sister they could marry off instead. Why do I have to be the only one who gets punished? I love someone else, but yet I can't be with him!" I yell at the poor boy who has been listening to me with nothing but love and care in his eyes. As I grab onto a pillow, I feel his strong arms pull me close to his chest. I drown in his arms, my mind completely overwhelmed with my heavy thoughts. My mind overflows as tears fall heavily down my cheeks. "It will be okay, Y/N. I promise everything will work out in the end, and you will be happy with whoever you end up with. You are the most amazing person, and you deserve the best. Just please calm down and give it some time."

A few days later, I bid my goodbyes to Jay as I headed off towards my kingdom again. Once I enter the gate, I notice the town seems to be in utter chaos. I head straight to the castle and into the main halls. I ask the maids what happened while I was gone, just to find out I wasn't the only one upset about the marriage. The jealous younger brother of Ni-ki had killed his older brother to gain all the power to the throne. I sprint off to my poor, weak father to find out what we should do. "Oh father, I just heard of what awful thing happened while I was gone. What shall we do now? Are we going to cancel the family arrangements, or am I going to marry Sunoo now? What are you planning?" I ask my poor dying father while I grab his hand tightly, sitting next to him on the bed. The weak man looks up at me softly before speaking, "My dear daughter, please go on with marrying Sunoo. My only wish is to see the two kingdoms united after such a long tiring war. You mean my everything to me, so please do this one thing for me." I nod while running my fingers soothingly through his soft white hair. "Yes, father. I will go through this marriage for you."

I leave my father's room with tears in my eyes as I go to find my new future husband. I knock on his door, wiping the tears off my cheeks. I hear a deep but gentle voice tell me to enter. I open the door, taking in the sight of the dark gray room, with a skinny, handsome looking boy sitting on a chair in the corner reading a book. "What are you reading over there?" I ask curiosly approaching the strange boy. "I'm reading a romance novel. Who are you?" he asks. "Oh, yeah. My name is Y/N. I'm the princess of this kingdom and the one you are going to have an arranged marriage to." Without a second of hesitating, Sunoo runs up to me, hugging me tight to his surprisingly muscular body. "I can't believe I get to finally meet you! You are so pretty, and you seem so polite! Thank you for agreeing to this marriage!" he exclaims excitedly. "Oh. Nice to meet you too, I guess." I say extremely flustered and confused by his sudden actions and excitement. He suddenly pulls away with a smile brighter than the sun, "Ah... sorry! Where are my manners! My name is Sunoo Kim! I'm so happy to be marrying you, Y/N! I promise to take care of you no matter what!" I return his smile thinking to myself if this marriage was really going to be as bad as I originally thought.

Several years later, I hear two little voices yelling and running towards the both of us. "Sunghoon! Jay! What did I say about yelling and waking us up!?" I scold the two little boys who are uncontrollably jumping on our bed. I yell at the laughing man, lying beside me, hugging me tight. "Sunoo, control your sons before they get a good long spanking!" He gently kisses my cheek and holds me tighter, "Baby, just let them be. They are so cute, and they just want our attention." I side eye him before scooping up the two boys into my arms and laying against Sunoo, I laugh and speak, "Three spankings it is then." All I hear is laughing as the three most important people are in my arms. I smile, looking at them, knowing I have found my home, my family, and my life. "I love you all so much. I can't believe I really got lucky enough to have you." Sunghoon suddenly whines and squirms around trying to get away, "Dad! Mom is being sentimental again!" Jay yells at him back, "I think it is sweet! Sunghoon, stop being ungrateful! Mom is the kindest, sweetest, most amazing person ever! Be glad she is hugging us like this already!" I look over at Sunoo, who is already looking at me laughing. At this moment, I knew I made the right choice that day. I found my happiness, and I could finally relax with my world wiggling like worms and laughing in my arms.

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