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Bedtime Stories Pt. 2

"Well, there's no sulfur anywhere. How about the EMF?"

Dean walked into the room Sam was in, who was holding an EMF near a window. The trio had traveled to the house that Miss Watson and her partner were attacked in, and where she claimed she saw a little girl with long black hair.

"Yeah, it's going nuts. When I went over here by the window .... There's definitely a spirit here."

"Who stood outside the crime scene and watched."

"Looks like."

Dean scrunched his brows, "what the hell do you make of that?"

"Actually, I do have a theory -"Sam stopped talking when he saw Beau walk into the house, his footsteps heavy from the boots he was wearing, "okay, I looked around the house and went off in the woods a little bit," he shook his head, "didn't find anything."

Dean spoke up, "Same here. But Sam's been going crazy."

Beau and Dean both look at Sam, waiting for him to talk. He cleared his throat, "uh yea, i actually have a theory. Uh, sort of."

"Hit us."

Sam gave a quick glance to his brother before looking at the EMF meter again, "well, thinkin' about fairy tales."

Dean and Beau wheezed out a small laugh, "oh that - that's nice. You think about fairy tales often?"

Sam gave them a look, "No, Dean, I'm talking about the murders. A guy and a girl? Hiking through the woods, an old lady tries to eat 'em? That's Hansel and Gretel. And then we got three brothers, arguing over how to build houses, attacked by the Big Bad Wolf."

Beau stood, thinking, "Three Little Pigs."

Sam nodded, "yea." 

Dean had a thoughtful look, "Actually, those guys were a little chubby. Well, wait, I thought those things ended with, uh, everybody living happily ever after?"

Beau shook his head and spoke up, "not the originals, they were fucked up, full of murder, violence and sex."

Sam nodded in agreement, "yea, the Grimm Brothers, it was kinda the folklore of it's day. Now, it got sanitized over the years, turned into Disney flicks and bedtime stories."

"So you think the murders are uh, what? A re-enactment? That's a little crazy."

"Crazy as what? Every day of our lives?"

Dean looked at Sam, "touché." Dean refocused on the earlier conversation, "how's the creepy ghost girl involved?"

Sam shrugged, "uhm... well, she must've been here for a reason. I'm willing to bet you top dollar she was at the construction site too."

"We gotta do research now, don't we?"

Sam shrugged, causing Dean to close his eyes and Beau to let out a tired sigh.


Sam and Beau stood outside the library, waiting for Dean to come back out, Beau was squatting down, playing with some rocks that were lying on the ground.

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