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Kidnapper: I caught your friend.
Alice: Which friend?
Kidnapper: Uhh, green eyes, black hair, male.
(Alice gasps)
Kidnapper: I will, but if you give me ten m-
Kidnapper: Wait... What?
Luna: Wait, if a fast food company becomes slow. Is it a slow food company?
Ms. Grady: Luna- it is 3am
Sarah: THREE!
Cop: Hey, your friend done some terrible things. She will be sentenced for 2 months.
Ben: Okay... But can I talk to her though.
Cop: Sure, but be careful.
Piper: Ben, what do you want?
Ben: Where's the remote control for the TV? I know you stole it.
Oliver: Hey, guys? Do you know the smartest way to rob a bank? I uhhh need it for my story.
Luna: Hmm... Crouch?
Ben: Kick the bank guy in his n-
Oliver: Hey, Piper. You've been to jail before right?
Piper: Yeah? I robbed a bank but the security was too fast.
Oliver: How did you rob a bank?
Piper: I turned off the power, kicked the bank guy's d*ck, grabbed the card and robbed the bank.
Oliver: Great! Thanks!
(Few hours past)
Ben: Hey, there's something on the news!
Piper: News aren't even great these days.
Luna: Just watch.
News reporter: It seems that the bank has been robbed. The robber's face wasn't seen so it's hard to investigate now. The robber closed the power, kicked the bank receptionist's nuts, grabbed the card and robbed the bank. The robber seems pretty sly because they escaped security.
Ben: You think Oliver didn't-
Luna: He did...
Piper: I'm impressed.

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