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When you travel to usually?

-travel by yourself

-travel with your friends

-travel with family

Yea but do you have any? I'm kidding I'm kidding!


So when you travel are you more organized or spontaneous?

-More spontaneous

-More organized

Good to know...


What about politics? If you lived in a bad country what would you do to change it?

-Vote to make change

-rebel as much as I can✓

-consider living abroad

-not much of anything

Right on!


One last question, when you watch a movie you do so to....

-have a laugh

-feel somthing

-learn and discover

-escape reality

-experience fear

-solve a mystery

But you might also watch a movie to?

-have a laugh

-feel somthing

-learn and discover

-escape reality✓

-solve a mystery


Petrias in a lot of trouble right now a lot of people trying to cross the border just hope you make it!

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