17 2 7


I climbed out of bed to get some breakfast, liv had already eaten.

"What's up with you?"


"Cmon stace!"

"Can you do my makeup later?"

"Sure.. "

Liv was super annoyed that I wasn't exited about the concert that she forced me to go to.

(7.00 am):


I called out her name since she was somewhere in the house chilling, and she had to do my makeup, even though I wasn't exited, I still wanted to come early...


She rushed in my room where I sat on my chair.

She did my makeup and my hair, then we switched so I made her makeup and hair, I thought that this part would be the most fun today.
After that she started to explain why I wouldn't regret this tommorow, which took her about 30 minutes.

"Cmon we gotta go!"

I groaned, I little bit annoyed that we had to leave so early, what would we do when we waited in line?

We walked out from her house since it was nearer the arena. She wanted to walk to the arena, so no traffic would slow us down. Annoying.

We was on our way to the arena, we didn't talk much, we didn't have anything to talk about, for once.

"look! We're here!"

I looked up from my shoes, saw the arena, bunch of people was outside  the doors, waiting for the doors to open so they could run in.

I wonder how long they have waited there..

But, liv ofc, started jumping and screaming in exitment...


"Jezus liv! Calm down! Its just a concert!"

She gasped at me like "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?", like really?

"Wha-" I barley got to ask her before she took my arm and started sprinting, I stumble on my feet a little, byt I didn't took me long to realise that the arena had opened up..



hiii guys, soorryyy for short chapter(fr sry its like only 400 words, like its unhealth short?), kinda forgot to keep writing the next chapter! Lol, hope you enjoyed it!

Stay safe, take care of each other, and love each other!

Word count: 370

Love, E:>

CUDDELS- HSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora