Chapter 31

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The room had simmered quiet, the feedback of the microphone cutting through the bustling crowds, silence enveloped the air as the soft hum of the quarters resident star began to flow.

The stage always perfectly lit to illuminate the girl, she looked as if she were an angel, as she sang to the eager listeners. Isaiah leaned against the rounded booth with the best view, as he cigarette was perched between his lips, careful to not let the smoke cover his eyesight. Finn slumped next to him, one hand gripping his glass as he took a slip, the other gently perched on Jean's side, who was eagerly sitting up straight leaning forward, as if to get as close as possible to the girl, fully entranced in her performance, soaking in every second.

Marianna seamed to glide across the stage ever so smoothly as her voice serenaded her steps, paving way for each delicate sway of her hip or gentle caressing of her hand. She captivating, and she never disappointed.

Stepping out from back stage, the usual bustle and noise filled out the large space, as Marianna weaved her way through the crowd, the simple conversational pleasantries and introductions on the way. "Well here's our girl" spoke up Finn as he handed her a drink, "gosh you were so amazing, the way everyone watched you, and your voice" Jean squealed out moving closer towards the girl, Finn grunting as the girl beside him wasn't as interested in him. "Well thank you Jean, I'm just glad you made it" Marianna never knew how to take a compliment, a sincere one, sure if it was from Isaiah she could be cocky and rub it in the boys face, but otherwise she would just distract or deflect.

Drinks continued to flow as Marianna called over her bartender friends to not stop pouring for her companions and herself. Finn and Jean were wrapped up in their own conversation, though you could hardly call it that, more giggles and drunken slobbers. Isaiah scooted closer to the girl as he leaned his arm over behind her, the girl pulling out a cigarette and one for Isaiah, leaning in as he lit it for her.

"So when will be bringing little Louis to one of your shows", he chuckled out with a puff of his smoke, as she jokingly hit his shoulder, something she had become accustomed to doing. "Please, this is no place for a little boy" Isaiah smirked at her response, as they continued to puff on their cigarettes. "He's real good for you, you know, I see the way you've changed" the seriousness of Isaiah's mood cut through seemingly playful conversation, "yeah, I guess he is" she smiled back at the boy.

Marianna knew Louis had helped her, not directly, but just with his presence, helped her to heal from all the trauma and grief she had been holding onto. She just never knew anyone else had realised.

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