a few months later

6 2 0

Kyubin was fast asleep on the floor, lea was fast asleep next to him.

Yoojung gently picks up his daughter. "did you have fun playing blocks with your appa?"

Lea giggles. "yes!!"

"That's good, can you wake up your appa and tell him to come to dinner?"

Kyubin was fast asleep on the floor, wooden blocks scattered around him.


Yoojung smiles softly and kisses his daughters cheek.

"That's my girl." He gently sets her down on her feet.

Lea runs to her dad and pokes him on the cheek.


Kyubin wakes up and sees Lea poking him. "hi sweetheart."

Lea giggles. "Hi appa, mommy made dinner!"

Kyubin smiles, he gets up and follows Lea to the kitchen, they wash their hands and dry them.

Lea immediately goes to her seat and sits down.

Kyubin sits down next to her.

Yoojung puts the food on the table, humming softly.


Kyubin and Yoojung quietly eat dinner, listening to their daughter, telling a story about a frog she found in a pond.

"It was so tiny!!! It jumped into my hands!!!!"

Yoojung smiles and gently asks Lea to eat her dinner before it gets cold.

Lea giggles and eats her dinner.

Yoojung smiles as Kyubin was trying to get Lea to try a piece of lettuce.

"Its good for you sweetheart."

Lea makes a :P face.

Yoojung giggles.

Later after Lea went to bed.

Yoojung and Kyubin sit by the window and looks outside.



"what happened to your fiancé?"

Yoojung sighs softly.

"One day the sea got dangerous, he was stuck out there, and never came home."

Kyubin holds his hand.

"I received the telegram that he was lost at sea. I was beside myself.. we had so many plans.."

"I loved him, so much.."

Kyubin gently pulls Yoojung to lean against him.

"I'm so sorry love.."

Yoojung sighs softly.

"He'd want me to be happy."

Kyubin kisses Yoojung's cheek.

"I'm so sorry about your fiancé.."

Yoojung smiles softly.

"I still love him, but I also love you."

Kyubin hugs Yoojung.

"I love you too."

"Is this the part where we kiss?"

"I now pronounce you married, you may kiss."

Yoojung and Kyubin kiss each other, sealing the marriage.

Rie and Lea cheer loudly.

Wookjin was there too, but she smiles at how happy Kyubin looks.

She cheers too!

Kyubin and Yoojung go on a walk, and look over the village from a path on a hill.

Kyubin and Yoojung hold hands, sitting down on the ground.

"You have a beautiful village, my husband."

Kyubin smiles. "thankyou my husband."

Kyubin and Yoojung share another kiss and just enjoy watching the view of the village, as the sun slowly sets on a beautiful day.

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