Chapter 1

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Aunt where are you?"came a cry in the Wells residence. George Celeste ran into the hall and called again, " aunt Lisa!"

       George was a girl of twenty-seven years of age who lived with her widowed aunt whose husband had died of cancer when George was ten. The youth was an orphan whose parents had died in a car crash twenty years previously. They lived in the city of Seoul in South Korea.

      "I'm right here dear, " answered a voice from the kitchen. Mrs Lisa Wells appeared in the doorway a moment later and asked, "is something wrong sweetheart?"

      "No Aunty," came the answer." I just wanted to tell you that i will be going to Lori's place tonight for a sleepover with the girls."

      Lori Hart was her best friend since kindergarten and had always helped the young girl who was a detective solve some cases with her maternal uncle who was also a detective and lived a short distance away in the same city.

      "Alright dear. At what time will you be leaving? I am preparing dinner now." The elderly woman said. At that very moment, someone knocked at the front door. George went to open it to see her other close friend Jamaica Pebbles standing at her doorstep.

      "Jammy! Hi. What are you doing here?"asked George in a surprised voice." I just came to see if your brother is home," came the answer.

      "Mino went to his friend's place so you are out of luck dear,"said aunt Lisa suddenly appearing.

      "That's no problem Mrs Wells," said Jamaica. "Oh before i forget George, Lori wants to meet us at the mall in ten. Don't ask me why because i don't know."

     "Well we better get going then if that's okay aunty," said her friend at once." Go ahead dear," said her aunt without hesitation.

      The girls set off towards the mall but as the were walking, the young detective suddenly felt like she was being followed. Before she could say anything, Lori called out to them. She was standing beside the mall which they had reached by then.

       "Girls. George where on earth is your car?" She asked." At the garage, " replied George in an audible voice then she whispered"guys i think someone is following us."

       Suddenly a man walked by them and dropped something. It was a strange package and George immediately tried to give it back to him but to her shock, he thrust it into her hands and started running away. As the girl opened the package, she was shocked to see that it contained a beautiful emerald necklace.

        The others were equally amazed and all three girls started chasing after the man but he jumped into a black jaguar and drove away before they could reach him. Suddenly, George's mobile phone rang. It was her uncle.

         George answered the call and at once her uncle's frantic voice reached her ears, making her sense that something was wrong.

       "George can you come to my house with your friends, Lori and Jamaica, as soon as you can? I have a new mystery for you." Said her uncle

       "Of course uncle Joe!" Replied  George, alert at once.

       The girls went to the police station and greeted sheriff Lee. They told him their story and reported how they got their hands on the necklace and that they wanted to know if it was stolen. Of course the sheriff knew George well because he usually helped her and her uncle with cases.

        "Oh my god! I cannot believe this!"Said the sheriff after seeing the necklace."This was stolen from the biggest museum in seoul a month ago and is the most valuable necklace of the museum."

        "Wow! Well you should return it then," said George at once.

       "It does not surprise me that you were the one to find the necklace George. You are George Celeste after all. A great detective," said sheriff Lee.

"Let's go to uncle's house now. He sounded frantic, "George said to her friends the moment they stepped out of the police headquarters.

" Yes, "Jamaica said in unison with Lori.

Ten minutes later, the girls were on their way to Mr Joe Wayne's house in Lori's car.

       George, her friends and her family members were actually descended from British people but were born and brought up in South Korea. The trio and their other best friend Kim Changon who was pure Korean were huge fans of DBA that were called Differs, a K-pop group that stood for Different but alike. Changon and her cousin sister Fa Lilie were in Rena, visiting their aunt. The trio in Seoul would go there a week after for the DBA concert in Rena.
The moment George knocked on he door, it was opened by her uncle's butler Long Wang.

" Mr Wayne is waiting for you in the living room, "he said giving George and her friends a smile. They were all good friends.

"Thanks Wang, "George said at once.
"He has some guests whom i think u will be very pleased to meet, " Wang added with a grin." And don't assk me who it is cuz i am not talking. Anyway enough with my chatting. You have a new mystery to solve."

"Hello uncle, "George said as she entered the living room five minutes later.

"Hello Mr Wayne, " the others said.

"I told you to call me uncle just like George, didn't i?" Uncle Joe said with a smile." Anyways, i have a new mystery for you but i would like u to meet the young men who presented it to me and specifically asked for you to solve this case."

"Ooooh looks like u have a fan George, " Jamaica said.

"Or several fans by the way uncle Joe put it, " Lori put in.

Uncle Joe just watched them before telling Wang who was in the room, to call his guests in.

And as the five men trouped in, the girls were shocked and Lori could barely hold in her excited scream but somehow managed it and Jamaica was trying hard to not go berserk. George on the other hand, was excited but stayed professional and kept her cool while looking at her biggest idols the members of DBA!

"DBA. Well this is a surprise, " George said in a calm tone although she was doing summersaults and dancing with excitement on the inside. Her friends looked at her in admiration at the way she kept her cool as they knew what a turmoil was going on in her head. But George knew not to fangirl too much as they were her clients after all.

“Hello Miss Celeste, Miss Hart, Miss Pebbles, ” the leader of the DBA, Jeon Hanbin or by his stage name, Han said.

The other members of the group were: Jeon Chasuk or by his stage name, Leo, Jung Yoonseok or by his stage name, Appolo, Park Jiyeon or by his stage name JY and last but not least Kim Yeonsoo or by his stage name, KYS.

“I must say, i am impressed at how you are keeping your cool Miss Celeste, ” said Yeonsoo.

“Yeah of course you're impressed Yeon, ” Jiyeon said and all the other members started laughing while Yeonsoo just glared  daggers at him.

“Shut up Park, ” he said.

“Never Kim, ” Jiyeon replied.

“Anyways, Miss Hart and Miss Pebbles seem ready to burst but you Miss Celeste don't even seem to be our fan although we know that you are a huge Differ, ” Yoonseok says.

“Yes well I am nothing if not professional Mr Jung personal likes and dislikes aside, but yes i am a differ. A huge fan actually, ” George says.

“I am sure that by now, you must be wondering why we are here Miss Celeste, ” Chasuk finally says.

“Well of course Mr Jeon, it's only natural, ” she says.

“Chasuk please. Call us by our first names, ” Chasuk says.

“All right Chasuk and please, ” George says, gesturing to herself and her best friends, “Call us George, Jamaica and Lori. ”

“Well of course. Anyway why don't you have a seat and we will explain to you why we are here, ” Hanbin says and the girls nod and take a seat, ready to hear a thrilling tale.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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