Part 4, chilly night

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The receptor kept walking, and walking. Into the darkness, he wanted to get back to his iterator, 18 broken crystals. He continued walking and walking, it felt like ages, and he was getting tired. He decided that if he found somewhere that is secluded and hidden he could rest there for a while.

Timeskip 😍😍😍

He found the perfect place to rest for while, it was a square like structure, the pipe that lead here was high and hidden. it had those same glowing ferns scattered around, and a patch of grass to lay on. He layed down and curled up into a ball, and fell asleep.
When he woke up it felt like he was in a new place, it was still quite dark but when he exited the room through the pipe it was light outside, it wasn't dark at all. The receptor blinked a few times thinking he was still halfway sleeping, but he wasnt.
He looked around in wow, he started to walk in a random direction as the place has changed completely.
He continued walking, and walking. He saw blue grass everywhere, as he continued walking the grass started to continue to get taller, the receptor had to push his way through  the long grass, it felt like a long time but the towering grass finally ended, on the other side was an empty field. He looked around, and continued walking. It was pretty basic and uninteresting, he was getting bored and missed his freind, or rather "parent". He started to get worried, what would 18 crystals do without him? Never mind, he's an iterator nothing can hurt him. could anything hurt him..?
He shook his head and continued walking. After a few minutes the field had went to an end, and there was water. He had a feeling he was getting closer to his home, he backed up then ran into the water, and started swimming. He was getting closer, he could feel it.

Time skip :33
After a while he could see the wall that had moss and mold all over it, it was his Iterators superstructure! He climbed up it carefully so that he wouldn't fall, he finnaly entered and walked through the broken place. He finally found the iterator can, he crawled in- "receptor! Where have you been?? Its been so long! I've missed u so, so much!" He was suddenly grabbed and hugged tightly, he was used to this as the iterator was.. clingy. So he sighed and just let it happen, and after a few seconds the iterator placed him down softly and patted him.
"You had me worried there bud, but I shouldve known that you can protect yourself." He smiled.

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