Dunked On

17 2 3

Authors Note:
Guess who shows up in this chapter! Hint: He has blond hair, and an orange hoodie.

I was in the basketball court, with Kenny, Stan, and Cartman. It was just another school day, and it was lunch. Though we kind of finished eating and Kyle and Stan wanted to play basketball.

"Alright, since there's 5 of us. One of us is going to have three people in a team " Kyle stares at Cartman.

Stan, Kyle, and Cartman would be one team while Kenny and me would be another team.

Kenny heads over to my side of the court, in front of our basketball hoop.

"Guess we're a team."

"Yeah." I didn't really know Kenny that well so I hope I don't lose the game for us. I don't want this to ruin the chance of us being friends.

I might be exaggerating but some people take sports really seriously, and take it personally when you lose the game for them. I mean they would get really angry at me. Even though it was just P.E!

We then played the whole game together. I kept passing the ball to Kenny and he would pass it to me, in case Kyle was trying to take it away from him. Overall, everything was going well for a while. Stan and Kyle got to throw the basketball in our side of the court a couple of times, but both of our teams had the same amount of points. Currently we were tied.

All we needed was one more point, and then we'd win. I kept running back and forth from the basketball courts, trying to catch up to Kenny, so he could throw the ball to me if he was blocked by Kyle or Stan.

Kenny glanced at me, and dribbled the ball away from Stan, as he had his back to him. While was trying to steal the ball back from him. Kenny runs with the ball and throws it at me. I make a grab for it, and I manage to catch it without dropping it. I run to the left, dribbling the ball as I run to Stan and Kyle's side of the court. Now all I have to do now is-

I feel my foot bump into something hard, and I go falling head-first into the hard cement. Thankfully I push my hands out just in time to stop my fall. I look at my hands, and they're scraped. With pieces of skin, coming off.





"WHAT THE FUCK?" I get up on my feet immediately, my knee stinging painfully. I feel some blood trickle down from my knee.

Cartman has a annoying smile on his face,

"Ha, You lost!"

"Yeah, because you tripped me!"

What the hell is wrong with this guy, he pushed me so he could win a stupid basketball game!

"I didn't, you tripped on a rock." What rock? I glance at the floor. There's literally no rocks here. He's just making that shit up.

Kyle frowns, "You are such an asshole, you know that?" He glances over at you, concerned. Before glaring back at Cartman.

Cartman copies Kyle's words in a whiny high-pitched voice that sounded nothing, literally nothing like Kyle. It sounded more like Mickey Mouse, honestly.

"You're such an asshole you know that???"

"Grow up, fatass."

Whatever. I'm done arguing with him. I look at my knee,

and wince, with how scraped it looks. Yeah, today was not a good day to wear shorts and leggings. It tore a hole on my knee.

Kyle and Cartman continue to argue. With their argument going back to Cartman saying that he isn't fat, he's "big boned".

Kenny walks up to me, "You, alright?"

"Yeah. It was just a scratch...um..sorry, we didn't win."

"That's what you're worried about?" Kenny laughs. "Dude, your knee's bleeding."

I stare at my knee, like an idiot since I didn't know what else to say

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I stare at my knee, like an idiot since I didn't know what else to say. "Yeah."

"Don't sweat it, we'll get them next time." He seems calm about us losing. At least, he doesn't hate me for it.

"I don't know. Kyle's really good at blocking us." I smile.

"Yeah. But Stan isn't."

"I'm not that bad." Stan says, hearing us.

"No, you are. You keep throwing the basketball like a football."

"Same thing."

"I guess, just don't chuck the ball at my face. Last time, you gave me a black eye."

"I said I was sorry. You don't have to keep bringing it up, you're making me look like an asshole." Stan says, referring to you.

Stans not an asshole, I mean it sounds like an accident. Unlike Cartman pushing me, on purpose. He's an asshole.

"That's because you are one." Kenny smirks as he says this.

Stan doesn't look offended, instead he looks like Kenny didn't just insult him.

"Says you." He smiles.

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