First meeting

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When Yakari heard the creak of the front door opening, she cautiously began her descent down the stairs to assess the situation. However, as she discerned another voice, one unfamiliar to her among the usual cadence of her siblings and parents, she quickened her pace.

Standing at the top of the staircase, Yakari witnessed her sister introducing a new girl, evidently a friend, to their parents. Curiosity piqued, Yakari couldn't help but wonder about the identity of this newcomer, even jesting in her mind, "haha, how did SHE even manage to make friends?"

As her sister proceeded with the introductions, Yakari learned that the girl's name was Aims, she was 14 years old, and attended the same school as her and her sister. When the introductions concluded, Aims glanced up at the staircase with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention I have a very ANNOYING sister😡," she added, with Aims responding with a cute chuckle and a friendly wave to Yakari.

Impressed by Aims' demeanor and appearance, Yakari couldn't help but think, "Wow, she looks so pretty and cool." In that moment, she found herself longing to forge a friendship with this intriguing girl named Aims.

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