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We met at six in the morning. It was a rainy Saturday. That was supposed to be a fun trip. When we arrived, they told us that our bus had broken down. There was no one else there except our group. We were about to go. Someone came and told us.

Another bus will be available in an hour. If we wanted to go, 3 of us wasn't agree to go with him and I was with them on that. I wasn't feeling well because of his uncomfortable looks and strength face, but amid our friends' encouragement and insistence on going,
I didn't have the strength to say anything. We met after a long wait and difficulty in preparing for all this. After they agreed, the bus took half an hour or less to show up

We loaded our bags and got on. I looked out the bus window. The sky was a gloomy gray color, and the trees were frighteningly close together.

Raindrops began to strew on the glass.
I saw a strange shape or someone between the trees, but the rain blocked the vision until I could be sure.

I told my sister that I feel uncomfortable there is something strange

"There's nothing that you . you're still hesitant about everything as usual, look at everyone singing and having fun," our friend Leo replied.

My sister answered then. I also felt like you a while ago

We were close to arriving. This is what the driver, who didn't say a single word the whole way , even after our friends asked him several times, if he found a rest stop or what time was left until we arrive. He kept silent until it happened suddenly and told us that there was not much time left after we will took this road and he was referring to a long ,unpaved road and thick trees.

The bus arrived at the hotel, which is located in the forest, but the roads are not far away either

As soon as we went down, I had the same feeling, but more strongly, the driver went immediately, he did not wait until anyone appeared from the hotel. The gate was closed from the outside with chains. There was no one until we heard a sound behind us.

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