A choice

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Ciri woke up, due to the sunshine, shining through her window. She heard birds chirping, a stream run by her cottage and her fireplace crackling. 'Shoot' she said 'I forgot to put out the fire yesterday. I must've been so tired' she got out of the bed and grabbed a bigger vase, went outside to the stream, filled the vase, and went inside to put out the fire.

When Ciri came into her kitchen, a deer was laying on the ground. She did not see it in time, and tripped. 'Oh my, how did you get here?' the elf asked 'you must've gotten lost. After all, there was a storm last night. Stay here. I am going to harvest my friuts, so you can eat'

When she came back, the deer's head was in her cabinets, and amedietly, when it saw the food in her hands, it rushed to her. 'You really were hungry' she said while watching the animal eat. When it ate everything, Ciri let it out into the wild.

'Now, it's time to start my day, normaly. Now what should I eat?' her sromach growled as she was searching through her cabinets and drawers. The girl found her homemade cerial and goat's milk. While she was eating breakfast, she got lost in deep thought. "This is really my everyday..? I wish I'd knew if I am not the only elf left on this planet of boredom. I wish, I would have elf friends.. Hah, but if I would have the courage to leave, would I survive? Would I have to hunt down my food? Kill my forest friends?" By the thought of killing her animal friends, she got goosebumps. "But what if.. if I find other elves? It's too early for now. End of the discusion" she said to herself, goong to her room.

She layed on her bed, thinking about the choices she had. Either she stayed there forever and after years die alone, thinking, that there is a whole world she had not saw, or go and maybe found elves and see the world, the colors!

Suddenly, her little cozy cottage disapeared and she found herself standing in the middle of a beautiful field with lavender. She could not help but to run freely up and down the field, feeling so happy as never before. Then, the field withered and Ciri stood in front of the sea, looking at the shining water. It looked like it's filled with tons of little sparkles. 'It's so magestic' she said. Right after she finished the sentence, a big wave came rushing at her, hitting her so strong that she fell and hit her head on a rock

She opened her eyes to see, that she was in her house. In her comfy bed. 'I just dreamed?' she asked, and touched her head where there wasn't even a scratch. 'Yes, I dreamed.. but, it was so beautiful.. I-I know now, what I w-will do' she said, looking out the window. 'I know'

Elf bloodlineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora