Ch. 1 - A Diverging Path

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The remnants of the sludge villain dripped from the shattered rooftop as Izuku Midoriya tried to catch his breath. All Might stood nearby, revealing his overpowering form, and casting a shadow over the shaken teenager.

Izuku looked up at his idol, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and gratitude.

He walked towards Izuku, his gaze heavy with understanding.

"Kid, I saw what you did back there. Charging in without a quirk to save someone... that's what makes a true hero. But you can't be a hero without a Quirk. It's a harsh reality. Even if you try your best, there are limits."

"-All Might" Izuku exclaimed, trying to mask the disappointment that began to linger in his eyes.

"Listen, In this world....the ones who are recognized as pro heroes are those with powerful Quirks. Without one, it's impossible. I'm sorry." All Might interjected.

The words struck Izuku like a bolt of lightning. He'd expected encouragement, a pat on the back, perhaps a hint about unlocking some hidden power. Instead, All Might's eyes reflected concern.Izuku's eyes widened, not sure if he'd heard correctly.

All Might sighed, a weighty breath that seemed to carry the accumulated burden of years spent as the Symbol of Peace. "Dreams can change, young Midoriya. Pursuing heroism is admirable, but not at the cost of your well-being. There are other ways to contribute to society."

Izuku felt a mixture of confusion and frustration. All his life, he'd been told that heroes were the pinnacle of society, the epitome of good. "What do you mean, All Might? Are you saying I should just give up on being a hero?"

All Might nodded, a knowing look in his eyes.

He leaned in, his gaze intense. "Consider the possibility of being in the police force or a way to do good without necessarily becoming a conventional hero. There's heroism in everyday acts of kindness and contributions to society."

Being in a state of denial, "I still want to try! Even if you say I can't be a hero, I'll find a way. Because I want to be strong like you!" Izuku yelled.

"Young man, you can't change the way things are. No matter how hard you try, some people are born with everything, and some are born with nothing."

As the gravity of All Might's words sank in, Izuku, ever aware of his quirkless status, felt a mix of inspiration and uncertainty. "A way to help without taking any risk...."

All Might nodded. "Exactly. There are countless riskless jobs worthy of praise"

"That being said you need to see reality for what it is, kid." said All Might, waving off and exiting through the rooftop stairs.

Later that evening, Izuku found himself alone on the same rooftop where he had faced the sludge villain. The city stretched before him, its lights flickering like distant stars. Emotions churned within him—a complex mixture of gratitude for All Might's guidance and the weight of his own limitations.

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