Ch. 2 - Peculiar Anomaly

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Once home, Izuku placed the book on his desk, surrounded by notebooks and scattered hero analysis materials. The blank pages seemed to beckon him, inviting him to uncover the secrets that lay within. With a sense of cautious anticipation, he opened the book, half-expecting words or images to materialize. As crazy as that sounds. To his surprise, the first page remained as pristine as ever.

During sleepless nights, Izuku found himself pondering the nature of the book. Was it a quirk? A relic from another dimension? The possibilities seemed endless, and the unanswered questions fueled his determination to understand.

Inko, growing increasingly concerned, noticed the change in her son. He shut himself in his room, emerging only for meals and the occasional visit to the convenience store for supplies. The notebooks scattered across his desk bore witness to his relentless pursuit of answers.

As the days unfolded, Izuku delved deeper into the mysteries of the once-floating book. Its ethereal glow and the sentences that appeared seemingly at random fascinated him. However, it wasn't until he noticed a peculiar pattern—a sequence of riddles—that he realized the true nature of the book's enigmatic power.

The sentences, though cryptic, seemed to form coherent riddles. Izuku observed that each one was a puzzle waiting to be deciphered.

A realization dawned upon him—one that sent shivers down his spine. It wasn't just any book; it was a book that seemed to predict the future, albeit in an unconventional way.

The first inkling of this revelation occurred as Izuku was navigating the crowded streets. He flipped through the blank pages, and his eyes scanned the lines that weren't there. He stumbled upon a description of a particular street performer, a man with colorful parrots, and noted the absence of the parrots around him.

 No sooner had he finished reading than the vibrant flock appeared, squawking and fluttering above the street performer just as the book had described.

Izuku's eyes widened, and he flipped back to the page. The sentences he had just read were now gone, leaving a blank space. He blinked, watching as new words materialized on the page. The sentences formed, describing the scene that had just unfolded with uncanny accuracy.

It was as if the book was a living record of events yet to come, but with each passing moment, the written words transformed into a record of the past. It was a surreal dance between the present and the future, and Izuku couldn't help but be both fascinated and disturbed.

Excitement and anxiety swirled within him as he tested the limits of this peculiar ability. He began jotting down questions, testing whether the book could provide insights into significant events. The blanks in the pages, however, remained elusive. Sometimes the book would offer glimpses, other times it would stay resolutely silent.

Another day of observation, as Izuku stood at a busy intersection, he saw a peculiar-looking cat with two different colored eyes. He quickly turned to the book, flipping to a page that was mostly blank except for a brief mention of the cat's distinctive features. The sentences vanished before his eyes, replaced by the same description he had just read.

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