The Dokkaebi

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"Kim Jihye?"
"Present" I tear my gaze from out the window back to the boring class.
I pull out my phone and stare at the notification screen.
The last chapter of my favorite novel is being released today.

The end...

I look back to the window waiting for the class to end...

I sit down on my seat waiting for the next teacher to walk into the class. I pull out my phone and start reading. In minutes, I'm absorbed in my phone.
I jump with a start. I look up to stare at my friend.
"Ha Eun. What're you doing here?" I ask as she peeks down on what I'm reading.

I quickly turn off the phone face down as she sits beside me.
"What ya reading?"
"Don't you have Geography now?" I try to avoid the question.
"Is it that novel you always read in class?"

I sigh. Ha Eun was always nosy like this.
"Your so obsessed with this novel, you've been reading it since you entered middle school"
She is right. I have been reading this particular novel for over 6 years.

I ignore her though, my eyes goes back to my screen and I scroll. I furrow my brow in confusion.
I viciously swipe up on my screen but I see just one sentence.

The story I've been reading for over 6 years just ended.
"What's wrong?" Ha Eun asks and I shake my head without looking up.
Suddenly a message pops up, an email.
"Who still sends mails?"

I open it anyways and I stare at the contents for a while.
It is from the writer of 'Three Ways To Survive In A Ruined World'. The novel that I've been reading for 6 years.

"Thank you for reaching the end of my novel,'Three ways to survive'."

"My novel is being monetized and I want to give you a gift for being the only person to finish this novel"

Underneath this message is a file of the full novel. Every of the 3000 chapters of the novel. I stare at flabbergasted.

"Monetization begins at 3:00"
I coincidentally stare at the time on the screen of my phone. Immediately I stare at it the 2:59 turns to 3:00.

I hear a loud bang and look up from my phone to outside the window. There was a big explosion outside the school gate and the building shook.

I hear terrifying screams all around me as I everyone panics. Ha Eun and I stare at ourselves as people rush to the window.

Suddenly, with a whip like crack in the air catches my attention. Everyone starts screaming around me pushing chairs and tables.
OH MY GOD!!!"......

"It's a TERRORIST ATTACK!!!".....

"What's that floating off the ground?!"

Someone cries out,"It's a dokkaebi!"
The novels opening keeps popping up in my head but I shrug it off.
'Its not possible'



Hands shaking, I look up at what is described as a dokkaebi and freeze in shock.
'It's not'

Questions swirl in my head as I stand in the middle of the classroom and stare at the fluffy creature floating in the air, dressed in rags with golden horns.

Too strange to call it a fairy,too evil to call it an angel and too tranquil to call it a demon...thus it was called a DOKKAEBI.

The exact description of the creature in front of me was the same in the novel I read.


I start hyperventilating as the creature smirks evilly.
"The fuck is that?" Ha Eun asks.
"I'm what you call a dokkaebi"

The creature answers.
"Is this a prank...cuz if it is it's not funny?" I'm too terrified to pay attention to who spoke. I'm still frozen in my seat as the Dokkaebi suddenly appears in front of the person who spoke.

"No it's not a joke, this is reality. I have very important information to tell you so listen to me"

"What are you anyways"Someone speaks up.
"It looks like something from an anime"

'No doubt about it'
The Dokkaebi laughs."So fucking noisy... I told you to stay QUIET!!!"
With a loud bang blood sprays everywhere. I hear a thud as I turn to see a body on the ground.

"This is not a novel...nor is it the reality you've been living in...all your lives have been peaceful right"The Dokkaebi starts.
"You were born, paid no price to breathe, eat, shit and breed as you wish, such a great world but that's all gone now, nothing in this world is ENTERNALLY FREE"

The Dokkaebi flies in the air and suddenly there's an announcement,
"Channel #BI-7623 is open"
"Constellations have entered"

Suddenly a screen appears in front of me.
The main scenario has arrived.
{Proof of value}
Kill one or more lives
Category: Main
Difficulty: F
Time limit: 30 minutes
Reward: 300 coins
Failure: Death.

I stare at the screen in an all too tranquil way. The scenario begins now. I exchange glances with Ha Eun and she's terrified frozen in place as the screams of terror fades....

Omniscient Reader Viewpoint: Jihyee's POV Where stories live. Discover now