chapter 1

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Author pov
Pia-aarna wake up .
Aarna-noo.....5min more....pia (sleepy tone)
Pia-come on.   Ok then bye...
Aarna-where are you going (sleepy tone)
Pia-ohoh ... University.
Aarna-okok bye call me..(sleepy tone)

By the road
??-hey pia!
Pia-who-oh pihu
(hug her)
Pihu -i really miss you!
Pia-we met yesterday still you miss me!(done face)
Pihu-acha baba!!let go or we will miss our train!
Pia-yes let's go!
While going on the road Pihu is continuously talking non stop and Pia was listening to her quietly.
Pia pov
I am listening to Pihu suddenly my eyes went to Main Road I saw puppy and suddenly my eye went towords the the car I leave her hand  and run towards the puppy and pick her up  and that car pulls up break I am very angry at that time the driver came out
Driver- why you came middle -
Pia-you!! First you was about to kill this cute puppy and now you are blaming me!
Driver- you don't know who is sitting inside!
Pia-who! Any minister chief minister ,or any actor??
Someone shout inside the car
??-shiva(driver) come fast we are getting late.
Driver- I said you to love this place or our boss will kill-
Pia- look your boss will kill me wait and watch!!
I went toward the backseat and knock the car window a boy looking like a middle age open the window.
??-what is your problem miss?
Pia- your car is going to kill this puppy!
That boy came outside
??-okok -
And another boy also came out he is looking to young then that boy he have a tattoo on his right arm.
??2-what happend yash come fast ...
So that boy name is Yash.
Yash- wait Karthik.
Car Outside And stand beside Yash.
Pihu also come.
Yash- so! 5thousand is enough for you to save this puppy?(smirk)
Pihu-come pia let's go
Pia- no wait some people things they are too rich-
Yash- we are you need more money?
He handle a bunch money to me
Author pov
Pia took the money and yash smirk .. and then unexpected something happened. Pia took the money and throw it on yash's face all shock at that time (except Pia).
Yash - how dare you-
Pia- Money is nothing just say a simple sorry!
Yash- you are in screen creating here!!
Yash-yes you !
Pihu- let's go Pia I am sorry (looking at Kartik) let's go...
Yash- you have to pay for this
Pia- you too.

At train____
Pia-that boy what you think of himself can't he ever say a simple sorry!
Pihu- leave it Pia they are looking so rich-
Pia- that is why I hate this rich peoples..
Pihu- okok okay baba thank God you save that cute puppy..
Pihu- by the way that boy what was your name......... Yes Kartik he is so handsome na pia
Pia- shut up you he is also with that brat .
Pihu- the way he looks at me-
Pia- you and your dream boy kartik (done face)

Other hand
Yash pov
In car
That girl I will kill her if I get that girl again front of my face.
Yash- how dare she through my money on my face..
(Kartik laugh)
Yash- you are laughing is it that funny!? Are you in my team or her?-
Kartik - ofc yours bro but-
Yash-then shut the fuck up .
Kartik- by the way why we are going to Carmel University bhai?
Yash- for that bitch bhaiya!! Still did not give my money.
Kartik-oohh(mind- thank god i am on a leave )
Yash-bhaiya!call jai once!
Kartik-ok wait!

On call

Tahir- hello bunny bhaiya !!

Yash-i am not your bunny bhaiya!i am yash!

Tahir-oh bro !say

What you need again !!

Yash- can you give me a information!

Tahir-ok!say the name bro !?

Yash- " pia "

Tahir-what ?pia ? Who is She bro?

Yash- just give me the fucking information bro

Tahir- okok bye I will give you by today only my bro!


Call cut

Kartik- what was that bhai!? why do you need her information would you will do to her please don't harm she looks innocent!
Yash- nothing just want to know her deeply!

Kartik pov
I know you Yash from when you are in diaper this is not going to be easy.. that girl have some Power because I know Yash never tell to give information of any girl I know deep down he loves her in the first side....

I know this chapter is short but plz vote for me♡

Meet you soon~


JEENE LAGA HU (yoongi /indian ff)Where stories live. Discover now