Chapter 2

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Five years flew by in the blink of an eye, and here we all are, thriving in our respective careers. I'm now the proud owner and manager of my own publication and advertising company, Alike, which has become a prominent entertainment website and magazine franchise found in various retail shops. Meanwhile, my brother has taken the reins of The Podium, the largest mall in the tri-state area. Although it's a family business, it's clear that he's the one destined to carry it forward. As for Dylan? Well, who knows. He disappeared without a trace after the day they left. The last words I heard from him were, "See you next year, sweetheart." But honestly, I couldn't care less. He can do whatever he wants. I'm sure he's off somewhere enjoying his time with his supermodel girlfriend.

Lost in my thoughts, I let out a frustrated sigh and glanced out the window at the bustling city below, the cacophony of car horns and the steady stream of people passing by providing a momentary distraction. "Miss Williams," a voice called out from the corner of the room, pulling me back to reality. "Miss Williams," the voice persisted, and I turned to see my secretary, Ashley, standing before me. Her nervous demeanor was palpable as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"I apologize, but may I ask about the budget for the Christmas party for the employees?" Ashley inquired tentatively, her gaze downcast. With a reassuring smile, I quickly reviewed the document she presented and signed it without hesitation. "These are approved. Please inform the respective teams responsible for organizing the event to commence preparations and provide progress reports as necessary," I instructed, handing the document back to Ashley. She nodded gratefully before exiting my office, leaving me to refocus on the tasks at hand.

My phone beeped, and I saw Chris calling. "Hello, brother," I greeted as I answered the call. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked with a smile, curious about the reason for his unexpected call. I could hear a snicker on the other end of the line before Chris spoke up.

"Have dinner with me later. Dylan will be in town, so we're meeting him. I'll text you the details later, my loving sister," Chris said playfully before abruptly hanging up. I was left in shock at the unexpected news that Dylan would be joining us for dinner.

Later in the afternoon, I began to tidy up my belongings and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up my makeup. Checking my outfit one last time, I nodded in satisfaction, determined to show Dylan that I had grown into a confident and self-assured woman. Stepping out of my office, lost in my thoughts, I accidentally collided with something solid.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I exclaimed, looking up to see Derek, the Communication and Public Relations Manager of Alike, standing before me in his usual dashing turquoise business suit. He flashed me a charming smile, and I quickly snapped out of my daze.

"Sorry about that, Sam. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Derek inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

"I'm meeting my brother," I replied, glancing at my phone for the time. "Sorry, I really have to go. We'll catch up next time!" I attempted to move past him, but Derek reached out and gently grabbed me by my wrist, his expression suddenly nervous.

"I'd like to have lunch with you sometime," he blurted out. I nodded, offering a friendly smile. "Yeah, of course! Let me know when, and I'll check my schedule," I replied, before waving goodbye and stepping into the elevator, my mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming dinner with Dylan.

Standing in front of the restaurant, I stole a quick glance at my reflection in the glass. Would he like my outfit? It was sheer luck that I had glammed up earlier for a commercial shoot, not anticipating the dinner invitation from my brother. Anxiousness began to build up within me, but I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm my nerves.

"Sam!" A voice I knew all too well called out from behind me. I turned around, and there he was – Dylan. Had he somehow managed to become even more handsome? My heart fluttered, and excitement surged through me as I shot him a bright smile. Without a second thought, I rushed into his open arms, enveloping him in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much," Dylan whispered, tightening his embrace. The warmth of his hug washed over me, and for that moment, everything felt right in the world.

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