chapter 3

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"YOU!!' no wayyyy . it's him, my phee. He looks younger " you know chay ,macau ." eyes become blurry due to tears . Oh right that not my phee how stupid of me i felt pang in my heart . I couldn't stand there anymore , i ran away from there . I can hear P'pete calling my name but i didn't stop i kept running as far i could . Who am i kidding ? He is used to be damn bodyguard ,he caught me but instead of bombing me with questions he took me to the near by balcony and just hugged . I again cried to my hearts consent in his embrace . After i calm down, he asked " mind telling me whats the matter dear ?do you know cau, i mean does he looks like someone from your world ,is he-umm- is he your bully ?" " no no P , I mean yes he is my.... he is phee. I can't face him thats why i ran out" the fact that i am nothing to him is breaking me apart " omgg so macau is your phee" he said excited i nodded " wait doesn't that mean he your soulmate , he is same as phee hahahaah i can't believe it" " yes p from what nurse said yes he is my soul mate , why is it unbelievable " i asked confused , he chuckled " well , he is the exact opposite habits of phee ,our cau is little trouble maker . But yeah like phee he would also do anything for his love d ones , his brother is also same" he said with fondness , he really loves them .

" wait ... macau is  your brother in law" " yes" he said with smile "and i am gonna stay at their house ?" " yes chay , i know it must hard for you but don't give up on this chance the god gave you" he is right this is my second chance , i won't let him go , not this time "this is actually fabulous you know i thought kimhan must be your soulmate but nah its cau .hehe this is going to funny and troublesome at the same time" kimhan ? Ohhh yeah chay's mr. Asshole ex but whats trouble " what is it P" i asked curiously " well you see theerapanyakul cousins love eachother so much that every time they end up almost killing each other , and macau seems hate tankhun the most but he only likes to tease him . He doesn't have any problem with mr. Kinn but cau seems to hate kim's guts .as far as i know their father kan always compare cau to kim i guess just like he did to vegas" wow " anyway lets go back i will officially introduce you to vegas , he have met chay before but no pleasant one . I know  its will be hard but try to act normal around cau , if you can't manage to be around him just avoid him for while ok"


"YOU" no way thats my chay doing here with pete. I saw him stare at me shocked ,then tears started to fall from his eyes .he then ran out of room " youuuu talk with him " pete shouted at my brother before running after chay , i was about to follow them but " cau stop , have known porchay before ?" P knew his name " wait how do you know him" " oh well he- you know porsche right , thats his younger brother" holy crap porsche ,he is my chay's big brother with whom i got beef with since day 1 of our meeting and like cherries on top of cake , he is dating kinn , which means chay met tankhun , considering my chay's angelic behaviour khun must have already liked him and then there is kimhan wow wonderful and amazing luck i have , if my chance with chay was 0% now its -infinite .did i hurt him too much, he got sad and ran away the moment he saw me T_T whyyyyyyyyyy now tankhun will tell him more bad things about me and chay would hate meeeeeeeeeeee ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

" cau you didn't answer" p asked cutting my train of thoughts " how do you know him" " well p we go to same school , he is from different class but we know each  other" " cauu, tell me the whole truth" i gulped and said " i might have hurt him , i used to tease him" my brother looked at with frown , then yelled in realisation " you bullied him !!!" " i didn't mean to hurt him i just wanted to get his attention but it just went wrong" he stared at me with 'oh really' expression and sighed sat there like he is in some thoughts " p what are you thinking" " i am thinking about   should book room in the hospital for you or graveyard" " p!!!!!!!!" " what ? Yk porsche is crazy and he loves and is overprotective of his brother and kinn our sane cousin is crazy over porsche and would do anything for him. Khun like ,no loves the boyy too much that he planning to adopt him. Don't get me started on kimhan , ,he usally just stays away from our business but he literally came back , fought and killed people to protect chay when i kidnapped him,  even tho they broke up when dad sent ppl to kill him he defeated all of them" " wait YOU KIDNAPPED CHAYYYYY , KIMCHAY BROKEUP!!!! DAD WANTED TO KILL CHAYY" " yes they did and long story , i will tell you later . But be ready to face porsche wrath, when he find outs what you did to his lil bro , he is gonna push you off the cliff instead of pond" i gulped in fear i am not afraid of others but yah he may be my future in law , hehe since kim and broke up may be i got like 1% chance . Tbh i hate kim's guts tho . Even tho he is older than me dad always compared me to kim , i didn't hate but he then gaves his attitude like he superior to us i hate it i hate 3of them for this , yes our father had secret war between them but was it necessary to push us away , i still remember how they turned their faces and  left,when i wanted to play  them .i did consider them as brothers at one point of time ,as i grew older they draw line between them and us . We all could have stood together but they decided to push us away , our father's torture was too much ,  we were alone ,vegas did everything he could to protect me from dad's rage . It hurts how they are ready to sacrifice  their life for people they just met when they abandoned us  . Don't laugh when i say both me and vegas used to love tankhun the most but he tooo , we both tease him  coz this, we looked upto him like elder  brother .haha he used take me the pond and play in the water hahahah irony right . Everything was sh*t in life , thats when i met him . My chay


one day , i was bunking classes and trying to find a place to sleep . I was roaming around ,when i heard a humming sound coming from garden area my legs moved on its own when i reached garden i saw the person who made the sound. My whole body froze the moment my eyes fell on him . He is beautiful. He was sitting under the tree with little kitten in his hand . Blackish brown eyes , long lashes , and pretty smile that make my heart skip beats ,and there is mole beside his left eye ,only one word , gorgeous!! what is he angel or something . I was about approach him but before that his friend came dragged him somewhere . Later on i found out that his name he is from c section . I tried to get his attention but there is only 3 things he seem to be interested singing ,studying , playing with that kitten . I stalked him for days , watched him from far omg he is cuteeee i might die one day . Then this stupid idea came into my mind to attention . i started teasing him like throwing paper ball at him snatching his snacks , yes i know i am dumb . But it was too late . When were in last year of high school i found out that my chay likes he fucking worships my cousin wik.aka kim . Why does it have to be him . one more reason hate kim that damned cousin of mine . I heard chay and his friend convo , my chay even made little shrine for wik aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. They were planning to visit the university chay is planning to attend and also coz kim visiting there. Everything happened in blink of eyes , somehow chay and kim got close may be their passion for music , later they started dating , my heart broke into pieces my first love like someone else he is dating someone else that someone is kim . May be dad is right , i am a loser infront of kim .

Flashback ends

after that i haven't seen chay more like i avoided him .then events at kept me busy . Now that they have broken up i will cease my chance i won't be coward , i will make him mine . I don't wanna loose him .my chay ...."cau " my brother called me breaking my chain of thoughts " i forgot to tell you chay and porsche  actually our cousins  " " THEY ARE  WHATTT!!!!"


 hey guys , 

i hope ya all liked this chapter ..

i know most u are angry on phee actually me too

but lets keep a little faith in phee... 

Meant  to be.....YOURSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin