-Chapter 3-

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Diary entry, Black Forest, 17 March 1999:

Dear diary,

The new one is called Nora and not Emma, as I mistakenly assumed. Sorry about that.

Black Forest, 18/03/1999:

The entire classroom was quiet. You could hear a flea coughing, it was that quiet. The teacher, Mr Jakobs, was writing something on a chalkboard, the chalk emitted a shrill squeak every time it touched the board. The pupils were busy writing in their exercise books. Well, almost all of them. Nora thought it would be a better idea to copy things out quickly on the board, forgetting half of them, and then just scribble wild sketches in her notebook.

Only 15 minutes of a double lesson had passed and Nora was already bored. She would have loved to play football with her older brothers, who had both ended up with the field agents, just like at home. But unfortunately there was no football pitch here, and Nora doubted that football would ever be taught in PE lessons. After 30 minutes she felt like she might die when the door was suddenly pushed open and the headmaster himself came in.

At 1.98, the warden was hard to miss, and he wasn't the type to sneak in anywhere quickly and secretly, although Calypso was sure he could if he wanted to. But Calypso was also firmly convinced that pigeons were actually just drones from the government and not real animals, and penguins could fly, so you always had to be a bit careful what you believed and what you didn't believe.

In any case, the headmaster went straight to Mr Jakobs, who stared at him in bewilderment and began to whisper with him. During the conversation, Mr Jacob's handsome face became more and more contorted and the charming smile he usually wore turned into a worried frown. He said something back and the headmaster burst into a whole trirade of very aggressive swear words. Everyone stared at the headmaster in bewilderment as he suddenly burst into Spanish.

"El lunes nos vamos, y ni una palabra de nada a los estudiantes, ¡¿entendido?!" He made a sweeping motion with his left hand.

Mr Jackobs stared at him in bewilderment as he stormed out of the room. Then the 37-year-old turned back to the class.

"So, class, go to your rooms and pack your things, just leave your sleeping gear and your Hygine items and Klammoten outside for three days, on Saturday we'll be moving at short notice er.... move." He then stammered.

Calypso raised her hand.
"Yes, dear?" Mr Jakobs asked.

"Change?" Calypso asked.

"Yes, sweetie, school will be er... so... renovated!" Replied Mr Jakobs and laughed nervously.

Now it was Nora who raised her hand.

"Yes, Nora?"

"Where is the school going to move to?"

"Well..." He paused for a while.
"To Miami." He then admitted.

"And why all the way to Miami? We're in Germany!" Steve, a lanky boy with acne whose limbs looked as if they didn't really belong to his body and were just attached to it by chance, replied.

"Tell me, is he on drugs or something?" Nora whispered to Calypso.

"No, he's just really ugly." Calypso replied and shrugged her shoulders. Nora had to suppress a laugh.

"Because the field agents are in Miami." Mr Jakobs replied to Steve.

"We're moving to the field agents?!" Exclaimed the whole class in chorus.

Miami, 20 March 1999:

"The Codebreakers are coming to us?" It sounded in the breakfast hall.

"Yes, and, students, I demand your best behaviour, they are not so resolute, we will have to watch out for them a little!" Thundered the headmaster of the boarding school.
"Do we understand each other?"

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