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"I've got to go, he's here," my fingers tighten on my phone as I look up at the doorway.

Before a response comes, I hang up and shove the Blackberry in my pocket. My face twists into a smile as I glance up at Spencer. He offers a small wave, crossing the floor. It seems I was too late though, since when Spencer slides in the booth across from me, he already has an eyebrow quirked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your call," he says.

I shrug, "it's just Rachel."

He seems satisfied by this. When the gala happened again this year, Reid and I were excluded from the draw. Rachel Kwak had my number, but I wasn't expecting her to reach out. Apparently, she's been transferred to the bureau as of last week. We are trying to find time to meet sometime before the end of November, but our schedules don't align. I barely have time to see Spencer between working as a research assistant and touring more flats with Estelle.

Which is why I felt like it was appropriate to meet Spencer this morning before work, in a café much closer to our office than makes me comfortable.

After removing his jacket, Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. By now, I'm used to placing an order for him, but I am always surprised he manages to drink it. Having watched the barista scoop in the sugar curdled my stomach. I grab my cup, the warmth radiating between my fingers.

"Has she found a place?" he asks.

I nod, even though I'm not actually sure. Last Rachel mentioned, she was going to sign this week if she hadn't found anywhere better. So, probably.

"She's going to come out with Estelle and me when we get the time," I furrow my brow. "I'm not all that pleased about it. You know how Estelle gets."

Spencer smiles. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, flashing it at me, "yeah. She's texting me about your birthday."

I roll my eyes. At the very least, Spencer is not as conspiratorial as my brother.

If I weren't a twin, I wouldn't be celebrating it at all this year. My twenty-nineth birthday feels a little old to be celebrating. Since I started officially seeing Spencer, I've only gone out drinking twice with the team and once with Estelle, and I've managed to hold my liquor every time. I'm just not as interested in parties and shots and glory days as Estelle. My siblings and I are going camping this year, once again for Stéphane's sake.

"Tell her you're celebrating it with my family," I shrug.

"You want me to lie to Estelle?" his eyes widen.

As he suggests it, I realize how idiotic of a suggestion it is. All I do is shrug.

"I hope you're not taking it personally," I sip my coffee, trying to warm myself up as the door opens. "Cletus isn't coming, which is a rarity. Stéphane isn't even bringing his mystery girlfriend."

I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with her. The woman Stéphane's been seeing. Last time I saw him, he showed me a picture of her. She looks pleasant enough, straight teeth and bright eyes. Estelle has told him to bring her over, and he gets strangely evasive. Both Spencer and Estelle think my inability to push the issue is a bit odd. Estelle is the more aggressive one about it, but I get it. Reasons.

"No, of course not," Spencer says.

"We aren't even doing gifts this year," I tell him. "Cletus and Caro are saving for a house and-"

COVERT : Spencer Reid (II)Where stories live. Discover now