Electricity, saving me from death but leaving me a shell of myself

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James found themself in what seemed to be a pitch black void. "What the fuck?" As soon as he spoke they knew it was more than just being stuck in a seemingly endless void. His voice had a staticky glitch effect over it. "Narrator are you fucking with me?" He looked around the void in confusion. While narrator wasn't there, he saw a computer set up, similar to narrators. They saw their reflection in one of the monitors and almost fell onto what he could only assume was the floor of the void.
For one, his eyes were glowing a dark purple in his pupils while the rest of his eye was a pitch black. He also had a black suit on instead of his normal brown sweater he usually wore.  He had a purple tie the same color as his eyes. Though he was still wearing the jeans and black boots he had on before
He went to turn on one of the computers but flinched back at a static shock, remembering what happened to lead him here. "Shit" he murmured "okay narrator i get it, i destroyed one of your monitors so this is how you get back at me. Jokes over send me back to the parable, or better yet, send me back to my old life"
And yet, despite narrator usually having a comeback to anything James said, there was no response. "Narrator this isn't funny!" The continued glitches in his voice made James panic even more than he already was "this... wasn't narrators doing was it?" He spoke into nothingness "I'm stuck here..." his voice trailed off, considering what was happening. "Curator? Can you at least hear me?" He sounded hopeful, but didn't expect anything.
"Wait you're narrators protagonist right?" James sighed in relief realizing he could at least contact someone else.
"Y-yeah I am" he said, attempting to hide the static effect over his voice to no avail "I destroyed one of his monitors and got electrocuted. Next thing I know I'm here and nothing is right"
"Well that explains it. I'm afraid you're trapped here in this void now" curator stated bluntly.
"Because I destroyed one computer?" James sounded confused.
"Partially yes, also when you got electrocuted. That seems to have..." curator trailed off, trying to find the right words.
"Whatever it is I can handle it" James shrugged
"Well... you know how me and narrator are gods in the story?" Curator seemed a bit awkward.
"Yeah it's like the only thing I know about you two"
"You are surprisingly calm" curator comments
"I mean i don't know what's happening, I freaked out before you got here though cause last I checked my eyes weren't glowing before" James shrugged.
"Yeah well... you aren't exactly human anymore..." curator seemed uneasy.
"Ha I get it you're also helping narrator with this revenge, I get it." He trailed off hearing the serious tone in curators voice "shit"
"That was a surprisingly calm reaction to it" curator commented
"Oh trust me I'm freaking out" his voice was completely monotone however "I just... don't know how to feel about it"
"That's understandable" curator said understandingly.
"I swear I keep hearing something like a clock ticking in my ears too" James added "I don't know if that's normal after what happened but it's odd to say the least"
"That is odd." Curator agreed.
"Well thanks for explaining this." James added "should I try to contact narrator to explain this?"
"I mean sure but it's up to you" curator agreed

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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