A New School

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It's early in the morning. Like, that 6 a.m. kind of early. I wake up, slightly annoyed at my loud ass alarm. I look around, slowly trying to get out of bed. I pull the blanket off and slide up, letting myself move around. It takes a moment to become fully aware of my surroundings. If only this new school didn't start so early. According to mom, I have to wear a uniform. It hasn't come in yet, so I guess I'll just wear a casual outfit.

Once I get dressed, I head to the restroom. I brush my teeth before looking for my hairbrush. This bed-head is totally messed up. After handling my morning business, I head into the kitchen. I grab a mug, getting ready to make coffee when- "Dammit!" I groan. Of course we're out of coffee mix. I already know today is gonna suck, just from that.

I just moved to a new area with my mom, because she got a job opportunity. Of course I'm happy for her, but it still sucks. No more friends, or arcade, or anything familiar.

I look back at my phone, checking the time. It's already 6:30. I sigh and look back at the fridge, which has another note from mom posted on it: “Have a good first day, son! I'll be working a late shift tonight…”

"I wish she was home more often," I mutter to myself. Her job just keeps her away from home all the time. She's always leaving early, and coming home late. I shake my head. Whatever. I can't think about that now. I've still gotta grab my bag! Before leaving, I make a piece of toast and grab my keys.

Yes, I'm old enough to drive.

As soon as I get to the school, I'm starstruck. ‘This place is fucking huge!’ I think to myself. Looking around, it's practically a big college. Hell, it could be a castle! Either way, it's too big to be a high school of all things. I check my GPS, trying to see if I fucked up or missed a turn. Nope
This is definitely the school. Just a really, really big school. Dude, how the fuck did mom get me in here??

I look around again, wondering where all the other students are. "I guess they're already inside?" I mumble, walking through the giant gates. The courtyard is a huge area with more than enough space. I'm starting to think that mom ended up putting me in a private school. Nah, no way. I mean, we don't have the kinds of funds for that! What kind of school is this? I walk through the doors and see a lady looking at me expectantly. She greets me with a soft smile. I assume she's faculty, some kind of doorwoman. She seems nice enough, but… what's up with her ears? They're all pointy. Maybe I'm imagining it? It is still pretty early, and I didn't have any coffee. She looks down at me before speaking up.

"You must be the new student. Oliver, right?" she asks, making sure I belong here. I nod, and she motions me to follow her. As we walk around, I peer into one of the classrooms and WHAT THE FUCK?! There's some kid with horns! A-And another with goat legs- what the hell is this place?! I keep quiet, choosing not to mention it to the lady. And then a kid with animal ears just walks past me and okay, uhm, THE FUCK?! What kind of freaky ass school is this!?

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