They're All Staring

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She looks over my schedule and points to the first class. "You'll have to try and remember where to go for these classes," she says, looking back at me. "This is a big school, so you'll get lost if you don't pay attention." I look up at her and simply nod. I wanna ask what creature she is, mainly because of what she said earlier, but I don't wanna accidentally offend her.

"Miss... U-Uh, what are you?" I ask, not realizing the tone of my voice. She looks at me and takes a moment. She then speaks up.

"An elf," is all she says. I think for a moment, realizing how it explains the pointed ears and everything. Even still, that raises another question; what's with those tattoos on her arm? I could've sworn when we walked past that classroom earlier, some kid had the same thing. W-Whatever, I'll try to ignore it. I'm honestly more worried about getting through the day than some random tattoos.

We get to the classroom and she motions for me to walk in. "Shit, this really is a nightmare," I mumble under my breath so I'm not heard. I walk in the classroom and suddenly, all eyes are on me. At this point, all I'm thinking of is ‘why do they look like that?’ B-But not in a racist way! More of a ‘why am I being glared at’ way! I swear, some of these kids are starting to stare like I'm a piece of meat... It's hella scary.

"Mr. Lynn, this is Oliver. He should already be on the roster. If not, I have his schedule here," Mrs. Leviathan says, motioning to a man at the front of the class. He looks to be in his late 30s or mid 40s. He has what I think are antlers? Damn, this school gets weirder around every corner. Mr. Lynn nods and points to a seat in the 3rd row. I sit down as he marks me on the attendance.

I take a look at the left side of the room. The other students vary in looks; some have wings like the administrator, one kid has a long tail and horns, and when I look to my right, I see a kid that I almost call a furry, but with how the tail and ears look... They're too realistic to be fake. I assume he must be one of the... one of those beast-men the doorwoman told me about? At least I think so anyway. Damn, everything here is complicated as hell.

I sigh and put my head down. I'm trying to block out the whispers I'm hearing from the other students. Like, ok, I get it, I'm somehow a freak in a literal school for freaks. Like shit, tell me how that's possible!? From the looks of it, I must be the only human here, because everyone else looks like something you'd read in a fantasy novel. Oh well, I didn't manage to get coffee this morning, and now I gotta deal with this. I let out a small yawn and lay my head down for a while. This is gonna be a long day, I can already tell.

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