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"Guys, we couldn't find any exits!"

We looked around the island, split into groups of three. There were no exits whatsoever, not even a boat. "Guys, I found something!" I spun around. "What?" I glanced back at Hajime, who had spoken when I had, but he seemed more focused on knowing what the musician had found, so I turned to look at her. "What did you find, Ibuki?" Akane followed shortly behind the raven, panting heavily. "Holy hell, you run fast- but anyway, we found some old buildings." I heard a soft mutter behind me. "So.. we're trapped, but we have shelter? Ah, how hopeful." I felt my expression fall. This Nagito jerk is extremely annoying with all this talk of non-existent hope.

I mean sure, it's good he's so hopeful, but talking about it at a moment when there was absolutely none at the moment? Despite my overwhelming dismay, I simply shook my head. "Lead the way,"


Once we arrived at the site, I cringed ever so slightly. This was all too familiar. I took a deep breath, No, Himiko. You have to do this. For Angie and Tenko. For all the others. You have to save these kids. Remember, you wanted this. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and tilted my head back slightly. I had to spin around just to see Hiyoko. Heavens, was she small. "Is something wrong?" She whispered. I smiled, shaking my head. "No, I just- don't like the looks of things." She listened, slowly nodding, before groaning loudly. "I smell that skanky bitch. Her and Chiaki must be on their way back." I frowned slightly, not liking the way she referred to her fellow classmate.

I turned back around. "Hey." I jumped back as Ibuki was nearly directly in my face as I turned. "Holy- sheesh, Ibuki! What?" She grinned. "You're a deer." I stood silently. What does that mean? I shook the thought off as Ibuki being her usual strange, quirky self. "And you're a peacock." Her face fell. "A- a peacock?! Why that nasty thing?!" I let out a low growl at her obscene shouting. "Could you quiet down? I meant because of your hair." She slowly brought a hand up to feel her head. "" She asked curiously. I sigh, "It's different colors?" After a moment of brief silence, she let out a gasp. "Oh, Ibuki gets it!"

I felt my ears pop at her oddly loud yelling. Had I not known any better, I'd have assumed she was speaking through a microphone. 

A/N: Sorry this is so short, but I sorta just wanted to stop it here because I feel like I'd get too carried away and make one chapter last an entire year. 😂

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