1 Corinthians 16:14

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Love is a spectrum. It's either real or fake. God's love is always real. Even though my job is to follow people I am assigned to until death, I grow to love them. I get to know them. I know Kyler like the back of my hand. He likes the little details in things. That's why he works as an interior designer and decorator.

I followed him into a furniture store. It was large with all sorts of furniture in its realm. We stop at a velvet love seat. Kyler runs his finger on the fabric. He does this whenever he decides what he needs for his designs. A woman walks up. She seemed to be an employee at the store.

"Is there anything I can help you with?", She asked him.

Kyler looked at her. I saw his cheeks turn into a slight pink color. I smile to knowing that he has a crush. Yes, I know that sounds a little childish, but that is what is going on. Kyler shakes his head and smiles.

"Yes. I was just looking for a couch for the living room I am designing," he explained.

"Oh, you're a designer?", The woman asked, smiling.

Kyler nods his head. The woman offered him to sit on the couch. So he did. The woman sat next to him. They looked like two peas in a pod even though they just met.

"I think my client will like this couch. It matches the aesthetic of the design I am doing," Kyler explained.

"I think they will like it too," she agreed.

So he bought the love seat and stored it in the back of his truck. I could see the love in his eyes as he looked back at the furniture store. I was sitting next to him in the passenger seat of the truck.

"Man," Kyler said to himself.

I looked back at the woman. She was helping a customer with a bed but I could feel she felt the same. Kyler drove off. Weeks later, we came back to the same furniture store. She was working again. She walked up to Kyler again.

"Back again, I see," she chuckled.

"I know we barely know each other since I've been here like twice. But um...do you wanna get a coffee?", Kyler asked her, his voice a higher pitch than normal.

The woman blushed softly but smiled.

"Sure. Java House at 5?", She suggested.

"Yeah. Um, what is your name?", He wondered.

"Nevaeh Williams," She answered.

Nevaeh is an African American woman from Memphis. I could see the growing love in her eyes as she and Kyler talked. Later at Java House, which was across from South Lyon High School, Kyler and Nevaeh sat on the couch of the coffee shop. They were talking and laughing.

I remember what it felt like to be in love. I haven't felt that in 531 years. To feel physical love. I died a virgin believe it or not. I was waiting for marriage. I never got to feel what sex was. I hear it feels good. But that was premarital. I have been assigned people who went against the thought of sex after marriage. I may not have had sex but I kissed. I kissed plenty of women. But not in an adultery way. They would leave me because I wanted to wait until marriage. I do not understand why they would get mad at me and my choice.

But there was one woman who stayed with me even when I refused. Her name was Kyana. She was the most beautiful woman in Italy in my opinion. Well, during my time in Italy. Anyways, she respected my choice of waiting for marriage. I was going to marry her before I died.

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